Legend of the Jedi Princess 3: Return of the Doresho - Chapter 62 - GeminiRose22 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) (2024)

Chapter Text

Kara quickly had the Clone twins board the Marauder and head for a familiar set of coordinates. Right now, the only ones who knew this area were Omega and Boba, but to play it safe they had Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker accompany them.

The Marauder landed on a familiar island called Fluit Glacium, where they would find the caves of ice.

As the crew exited the ship, Wrecker carried Boba in hos arms the whole way, and didn't put him down.

"Why does Wrecker need to be carrying me?" Boba whined.

"So you aren't falling down every five minutes when your legs transform again." Kara explained.

As if on cue, Boba's legs transformed into a tail at that moment.

"Like that."

And then Wrecker dropped Boba on the ground with a thud.


"Oops! Sorry." Wrecker blushed.

"Wrecker!" Kara scolded.

"What? He's slippery when he turns into a fish."

Boba changed his legs back and dusted himself off, ultimately deciding he'd be better off trying something else. Handstanding.

"I could just get around like this." Boba said, walking on his hands, making Omega and Wrecker laugh.

"Won't it be difficult getting around upside down?" Tech pointed out.

"Gabby and I have played tag on the ceiling lots of times. I'm used to being upside down."

"So that's why I kept hearing footsteps above us at the Temple." Kara said with realization.

With Boba, Kara, and Omega guiding the rest of the group, the search party went through the cave and followed a familiar river down to where they found some crystals of ice. Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech were curious as they looked into some crystals, and when they touched the water, they each saw a memory form in front of them.

Tech's first date with Mila, Wrecker when he first got Lula as a child, and Hunter when Omega tackled him for her first game of Tigger Tag. All wonderful memories.

"So, this is the magical river King Qui-Gon sings about?" Hunter asked, seeing that memory.

"Indeed, it is. Father sang that very same song to me a few times when I was a little girl." Kara said. "I didn't understand at the time, but he always told me it was essential I forget not a single lyric of that song. And as of last year, I know why."

"This was the same river that helped us find out how to defeat Lady Morpha before Omega and I earned our powers." Boba said. "I don't know how, but somehow, Queen Serafina's spirit knew we'd be the right one's to be the keepers of the power to start the spell."

Boba approached the river and scooped a little water in his hands to ask it for answers.

"River of memory, we have a big problem. A dangerous woman who calls herself Ms. Fortune has been spreading bad luck all around, and we need to know... how was she defeated the last time she wreaked havoc?"

Everyone waited to see what the water would do, and it glowed to show a memory of the last time Ms. Fortune was free and spreading bad luck. She'd captured someone with power to make rainbows and attempted to use what gold and jewels she stole to turn herself into an invincible sorcerer of good luck. But, before she could cast the spell, Enchantran guardians came along and unleashed a bunch of ladybugs to distract Ms. Fortune, while some botanical nymphs grew bamboo and four-leaf clovers all around, and then seven horses, each with at least one color of the rainbow on their coat or in their manes: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Together, the seven horses marched around Ms. Fortune and chanted a chant of good fortune that weakened her power, and then seven gold coins were flipped over the horses and into the circle by Ms. Fortune with an incantation. And just like that, Ms. Fortune collapsed with exhaustion, giving the authorities time to take her pyrite coins and put her in gold cuffs, the only cuffs that kept a meabluchan too weak to even struggle. And once she was defeated, every pyrite coin she flipped lost its power wherever it was, and turned to dust, taking all the bad luck with it.

"That looks like a very complicated ritual." Omega said.

"True," said Kara. "But, if we contact the right friends, we can do it."

"Where exactly are we gonna find all those ladybugs, though?"

"I think I might know someone who can help with that."

"Come, Goldie." Mariposa said, taking her daughter into the forest. "It's time we put your Ladybug Communication lessons to the test."

Doresho Gypsies' main specialty was butterflies, but they knew how to communicate with other insects as well, especially ladybugs.

Wysteria also got Boba's message, and sure enough, she knew exactly where to find lots of ladybugs. Luckily, it being spring, finding lots of them wouldn't be too hard, and a thing about forest nymphs, they knew how to communicate with ladybugs very well.

Making bamboo would be easy for Gabby, Lamenta, and Anakin to perform, but four-leaf clovers were another story. Clovers being most commonly grown with three leaves, not even magical creatures had a higher chance of finding any with four leaves than ordinary folks looking in the grass for a four-leaf clover. So, for that, they had to brew a special potion in order to get more four-leaf clovers.

Qui-Gon and Shmi looked into some chests that belonged to Qui-Gon's maternal grandparents and managed to find some gold sun dollars that belonged to the late King Reginald and Queen Serafina, and more than seven no less. Now they just needed to find seven horses with all seven colors of the rainbow together.

Fiesta, Harmony, and Citrus had red, orange, and yellow. Comedia and Teatra were both mainly green, and Comedia had a little more orange and yellow to contribute. Sapphire was perfect for blue. And Carousella was violet. That just left indigo.

"Plum purple looks very similar to indigo." Harmony said. "And Crescent has that color in his mane. Would that work?"

"Well, we may not have enough time to search for an indigo pony." Garrett said. "It's worth a shot."

"Do we know where Ms. Fortune is going to attempt this ritual? Whoa!" Carmine asked before tripping on something.

"You okay?" Anakin asked.

"I'm fine. I tripped on Lula." Carmine said, picking up Wrecker's toy.

Everyone started wearing safety gear just in case now. Helmets, knee pads, even pillows to avoid further injury. Echo already broke an arm falling down the stairs. Even with Gabby to kiss and heal everyone's injuries, the bad luck just kept coming.

The palace's ceiling even started crumbling and houseflies started flying around and buzzing.

"Shoo! Dang flies." Pinto groaned, swinging his tail at yet another fly and accidentally whacking Padme in the face.

Padme yelped. "Pinto!"

"Oh! Princess Padme, I'm so sorry!"

"A little help here?" Remix's voice called, echoing slightly as the poor unicorn had his head caught in a pot from the kitchen.

"Oh, Remix." Caroline tried to pull the pot off. "Should I even ask how this happened?"

"Should you even be doing heavy stuff like this when you're almost four months pregnant?"

Remix couldn't see it, but Caroline gave him a look.

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm helpless."

"Ow!" Diamond yelped as her mane and Susy's head tails got tangled up.

"This bad luck had better end soon." Susy said.

"Don't worry, Mom." Carmine said. "Coming to the rescue."

The only ones who didn't seem to be affected by all the bad luck were the baby twins.

Luke and Leia cooed as they were crawling or sitting in their playpen. Since neither of them were walking yet, and the two of them were such innocent babies, it seemed to make sense that neither of them would be inflicted with bad luck. Especially since they didn't even know what luck was.

Gabby looked at her baby sister and brother as they were innocently playing about like babies did, cooing and looking adorable while feeding their curious minds.

"You know, Leia... you and Luke are lucky to be so little now. No one expects anything from you like they do from us big kids. You both get to just play and be curious now."

Leia seemed to crawl over to her big sister as she said that, and she babbled on almost as if talking to her.

"I love you too, Leia." Gabby smiled, picking up Leia and giving her a kiss.

As Leia played with her sister's nose, Gabby started to think a lot about how lucky she was to have such a big, wonderful family.

It wasn't thay long ago Gabby was that small. She thought when she wasn't much bigger than the twins it would always be just her, Mommy and Daddy forever, as well as her Jedi aunts and uncles. But then along came the Jinn family, adopted twin siblings, the Bad Batch, and a baby twin sister and brother.

Gabby's wish for a sibling came true when Boba first came home, but when Luke and Leia arrived, she got what she initially wished for. And it was even better because she had four siblings.

Luke crawled up and started lifting his arms up too, wanting his big sister to gold him too.

"Of course, I wouldn't forget you, Lukie." Gabby cooed, taking her baby brother into her arms, holding both the twins in a big hug.

Regardless of all the bad things that happened in the last few days, looking at Luke and Leia reminded Gabby just how fortunate she was just to have them. Being able to see them, to hold them, and love them made her feel like the luckiest girl in the universe, no matter how many falls, broken bones, bruises, or things falling on her she had to face.

"I'm going to make sure this bad luck is gone before you two get bigger." Gabby said. "Nothing bad will ever happen to you as long as Big Sister Gabby is here for you."

Later, as the babies were put down for a nap, Mariposa called to confirm that she, Goldie, and Wysteria found lots and lots of ladybugs in the forest. They just needed to gather them up.

Garrett began using his chemistry skills to brew the potion to help those with botanical magic grow more four-leaf clovers, and Padme and Caroline gathered the horses.

Everyone had to be extra cautious, as bad luck seemed to increase all of a sudden with Banjo falling into the mud in the yard, rain suddenly pouring outside, and Teatra tripping and accidentally poking Crosshair in the butt with her horn.


"Sorry, Crosshair!" Teatra said.

"Thanks a lot." Crosshair said sarcastically. "I won't be able to sit down for a week."

Boba and the others returned from Fluit Glaciem in time to see that bad luck was getting worse. And inconveniently, his and Omega's powers went out of whack again!

Balls of light flashed and flew all around the palace, water began forming out of thin air, and it even started raining indoors.

"Well, at least it can't get any worse." Hunter said.

But it did.

Gabby was walking down the hall, when she heard the babies crying, at first thinking it was because they'd just woken up from their naps. And in part it was, but when she entered the nursery, she gasped as she spotted a familiar woman in red and black in the nursery, taking the babies out of their cribs and putting them in a cage.

Gabby started to activate her powers.

"Leave my baby brother snd sister alone, lady!" Gabby said angrily.

"Oh, I have no intention of hurting these little treasures." Ms. Fortune said. "Just come with me and perform a spell, and your little ones will live."

"I will never perform magic for you!"

And that was when the ground started to shake, Ms. Fortune showing no fear as such happened.

"Care to try your luck a second time?"

Ms. Fortune grabbed Gabby hard by her arm and forced her to come with her out the window, but Gabby managed to scream "HELP!"

The others heard Gabby screaming. Padme came running to the nursery and was filled with horror when she looked out the window and saw Ms Fortune escaping with her three youngest children.

"Ani! Ms. Fortune has Gabby and the babies!" Padme panicked.

Anakin tried to run out, only to bump into Qui-Gon, both of them falling down.

"Are you both alright?" Padme asked.

"We are fine." Qui-Gon said.

"The kids! We have to go after them."

Luckily, thanks to Ms. Fortune's sister Clover, Lamenta knew exactly where Ms. Fortune was taking Gabby.

"We have to hurry before she starts the ritual!"

Meanwhile, somewhere in Enchantra...

Ms. Fortune arrived at a land filled with greenery, where many people of the leprechaun clan lived and thrived. And as you can probably imagine, they panicked when they saw Ms. Fortune was free and that she had a little girl tangled in some rope, and two babies in a little cage.

Gabby struggled as she heard the babies crying in the cage. The twins were very right to be terrified, but they didn't understand just how much danger theyvwere in right now or that they were being used as hostages against their big sister.

Ms. Fortune took the three children to a patch of grass outside a school in the village. The same school, in fact, where Ms. Fortune had attended as a young girl. Where it all began.

She placed the gold in a circle and organized the jewels by size, color, and purity to prepare the ritual. All she had to do was have Gabby make a rainbow and say a particular chant.

Ms. Fortune untied Gabby and forced a book into her hands.

"Here's what's going to happen, little one. You are going to make a rainbow and say this spell for me. And you will say it right.

"I won't help you perform a spell like this!" Gabby said firmly.

"I thought you might say that." Ms. Fortune smirked and brought out one of her coins.

"You think you can bribe me with a coin made of fool's gold?"

"Do you forget? With this coin, I can control who gets bad luck. Infants are no exception."

Gabby's face paled and her eyes widened with horror as she felt her stomach get queasy.

Ms. Fortune knew she had Gabby when she said, "I would hate to see your parents' faces if they were to find that their precious little babies suffered under their big sister's watch."

Gabby was in a predicament now. Either help a dangerous villain become invincible or lose her baby brother and sister? What was she going to do?

Legend of the Jedi Princess 3: Return of the Doresho - Chapter 62 - GeminiRose22 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.