COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LESSEX, *. SUPERIOR COURT* civit action No. /4- 004 b AUNITED GUARANTY COMMERCIAL)INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH )CAROLINA, ASSIGNEE OF THE STUDENT +)LOAN CORPORATION AND CITIBANK,N.A. )AND CITIASSIST LOAN, )Plaintiff )) .Vs. ) =j eel pesANTHONY KOUTZOUKIS AKA ANTHONY V._ ) FOR THE COU oe eueTKOUTZOUKIS, )‘Defendant ) DEC 17 2015 .COMPLAINT én filboallCLERKCOUNT I1, The Plaintiff is UNITED GUARANTY COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OFNORTH CAROLINA, ASSIGNEE OF THE STUDENT LOAN CORPORATION ANDCITIBANK, N.A. AND CITIASSIST LOAN, their successors and assigns, as their interestsmay appear, a duly existing corporation organized under the laws of the State of NorthCarolina, having a place of business at 230 N. Elm Street, Greensboro, NC 27420.2. The Defendant is ANTHONY KOUTZOUKIS AKA ANTHONY V. KOUTZOUKIS, anindividual with a place of residence at 6 Emmett Street, Peabody, MA 01960.3. The Defendant, in accordance with the Account annexed hereto and marked “A” and Exhibits“B 1-4”, owes the Plaintiff the sum of $41,229.36, being the balance due for money loaned,services rendered, and goods sold and delivered and moncy had and received, together withinterest from May 16, 2015, on or before which date due demand for payment was made.WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant under this Count for the sum of$41,229,36, together with interest from May 16, 2015, costs and attorney fees/collection costs, orfor the fair-value of same.COUNT IL(Breach of Contract/Alternative to Count I)4. Plaintiff incorporates the allegations of above paragraphs with the same force and effect as ifherein set forth.5. The Defendant(s) executed, caused to be executed, authorized and benefitted from thecontracts with the Plaintiff, true copies or abstracts of which are attached hereto as Exhibits“B 1-4”, and incorporated herein by reference, for money loaned, services rendered, andgoods sold and delivered and money had and received, together with interest from May 16,20156. Plaintiff fulfilled every term of said contract(s) as agreed. The Defendant breached saidcontracts by failing to make payments when due and for other reasons.7. Plaintiff made demands upon Defendaitt for payment of the balance(s) due (in Account "A")but Defendant refused and neglected to pay the debts in full.” 8. Plaintiff is the owner and holder and/or holder in due course of Exhibits B1-4.and of theobligation/cause(s) of action referred to herein by means of assignment. True and accuratecopies.of assignment(s) are attached hereto.9. Defendant owes Plaintiff the sum of $41,229.36 under the contracts/obligations, togetherwith interest thereon from May 16, 2015, on or before which date demands for payment wereduly made.WHEREFORE, in the alternative to Count I, Plaintiff demands judgment against the Defendantin the amount of $41,229.36 together with interest from May 16, 2015, costs, and attormeyfees/collection costs, or for the fair value of same.COUNT III”(Quantum Meruit/Unjust Enrichment)10. Plaintiff incorporates the allegations of the above paragraphs with the same force and effectas if fully set forth herein.11. The Plaintiff provided monies, services, loans, goods, to Defendant named above.12. Defendant benefitted from the monies/goods/services provided by Plaintiff, hasacknowledged receipt of those benefits and has failed to pay for same.13. Defendant have been unjustly enriched to Plaintiff's detriment.14. The Plaintiff endeavored in good faith and has performed or substantially performed itscontractual obligations(s) for monies/goods/services to Defendant, including as shown onAccount A Annexed and Exhibits B 1-4, for a fair and reasonable value thereof.15. Plaintiff has received no notice of breach or of sub-standard or partial performance of thecontract(s).16. The Plaintiff is entitled to recover the fair and reasonable value of its monies/services/goodsprovided. There are no further credits due to Defendant’s account.17. Demand has been made upon Defendant above and that the present balance due on saidobligation is $41,229,36 as of as May 15, 2015, shown in Account “A” and the Exhibitsattached.WHEREFORE, in the alternative to Counts I and II, Plaintiff demands judgment against theDefendant in the amount of $41,229.36, together with interest from May 16, 2015, costs, andattorney fees/collection costs, or for the fair value of same.The Plaintiff,By Its Attorney,pBrian Aylward (BBO # 552296)Smith, Levenson, Cullen & Aylward, P.C.5 Essex Green DrivePeabody, MA 01960-2914(978) 532-9494aylward@smithlevensonlaw.comDated: December 14, 2015PLAINTIFF DEMANDS TRIAL BY JURY ON ALL COUNTS SO TRIABLEACCOUNT ANNEXED "A"Balance(s) due for money loaned, services rendered, and goods sold and delivered and moneyhad and received, together with interest from May 16, 2015 provided by Plaintiff to Defendantunder Account Numbers below, as of May 15, 2015: $41,229.361. United Guaranty Certificate# 358269: $4,367.46; Loan 09/07/2005, originally $3,000.00, lastpaid 02/02/2010;2. United Guaranty Certificate# 420103: $4,933.09; Loan 01/17/2006, originally $3,500.00, lastpaid 02/02/2010;3. United Guaranty Certificate# 651391: $23,242.44; Loan 08/03/2007, originally $17,000.00,last paid 02/03/2010;4, United Guaranty Certificate# 699986: $13,883.62; Loan 09/06/2007, originally $10,000.00,last paid 02/02/2007.This communication is from a debt collector and is an attempt to collect a debt. Any informationobtained will be used for that purpose.~ ” Account Annexed "A"/Exhibit "B" -UNITED GUARANTY COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH CAROLINAUnited Guaranty Certificate # 358269Borrower Last Name KoutzoukisDate:Claim Paid DateThrough DateNumber of DaysInterest RateCharged Off PrincipalPer Diem .Interest: Date of claim to Referral dateSubtotalPre Claim interest submitted by original lenderTotal $ amount of payments madeTotal Due - ,Last Payment DateLast Payment AmountMay 14, 201508/16/10- 05/14/1517333.25%$3,000.00 -$0.27_ + $467.91$3,467.91$1,051.51$151.96$4,367.462/2/201085.64Specialist Aleksandra F. AshbyTitle Paralegal230 North Elm SheetGreensboro, NC 27401900.934.0296 toll freeSeas cae GUARANTY COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH CAROLINASTATEMENT OF ACCOUNT May 14, 2015Anthony KoutzoukisCert # 358269. Posted . System’. .Transaction Date Transaction Code Description Amount Generated8/16/2010 10 Charged off principal 3000 :8/16/2010 50 Total payments rec’ by lender 151.968/16/2010 2 ->*** SYS GEN -- REC'D PRINCIPAL 151.968/16/2010 19 Pre-charged off interest 1051.51Aleksandra F. AshbyParalegal . .United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company of North Carolina230 North Elm StreetGreensboro, NC-27401800.334.0296 tell freeNoe_ GUARANTY. Dr ad UNITED GUARANTY COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH CAROLINA- United Guaranty Certificate # 420103 : 8Borrower Last Name KoutzoukisDate: May 15, 2015Claim Paid Date ; "08/16/10Through Date . 05/15/15Number of Days : . 1734Interest Rate - : 3.25%Charged Off Principal — $3,500.00Per Diem . : Interest: Date of claim to Referral dateSubtotal : $4,037.54Pre Claim interest submitted by original lender $1,066.89Total $ amount of payments made os $171.34TotalDue ; "$4,933.09Last Payment Date - : 2/2/2010Last Payment Amount . 96.54Specialist Aleksandra F. AshbyTitle =. Paralegal230 North Elm StreetGreensboro, NC 27401800.334.0226 toll freeUNITED GUARANTY COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY oF NORTH CAROLINASRM scart STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTMay 15, 2015.Anthony KoutzoukisCert # 420103i SystemTransaction Date ‘| Transaction Code | Description Posted Amount . | Generated8/16/2010 10° ___| Charged off principal 35008/16/2010 50 Total payments rec’ by lender 171.348/16/2010 2 ~>*#* SYS GEN — REC'D PRINCIPAL . 171.348/16/2010 19 Pre-charged off interest 1066.89Aleksandra F. AshbyParalegal -United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company of North Carolina -230 Nozth Elm Street. Greensboro, NC 27401"900.234.0296 toll feeTN aeGUARANTY, - Rater elUNITED GUARANTY COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH CAROLINA,United Guaranty Certificate # 651391Borrower Last Name KoutzoukisDate:Claim Paid DateThrough DateNumber of DaysInterest RateCharged Off PrincipalPer Diem. -Interest: Date of claim to Referral date- Subtotal .Pre Claim interest submitted by original lender ©Total $ amount of payments madeTotal DueLast Payment DateLast Payment Amount .May 14,2015 °07/26/1005/14/1517543.25%$17,000.00$1.51$2,648.54$19,648.54$3,593.90. $0.00: $23,242.442/3/2010- | 5.54Specialist Aleksandra F. AshbyTitle Paralegal230 North Elm StreetGreensboro, NC 27.401800.934.0206 ill fraeUNITED GUARANTY COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH CAROLINARed raed , STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTMay 14, 2015Anthony KoutzoukisCert #651391Transaction TransactionDate Code Description Posted Amount_| System Generated7/26/2010 10 Charged off principal 170007/26/2010 19 Pre-charged off interest 3593.9Aleksandra F. AshbyParalegal oaUnited Guaranty Residential Insurance Company of North Carolina230 Morth Elm StreetGreensboro, NC 27401800.234,0296 toll freePeeGUARANTY. - “UNITED GUARANTY COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH CAROLINA.United Guaranty Certificate # 699986Borrower Last Name Koutzoukis ~Date: "May 15, 2015~ Claim Paid Date.Through DateNumber of DaysInterest Rate_ Charged Off PrincipalPer DiemInterest: Date of claim to Referral dateSubtotal> Pre Claim interest submitted by original lender —Total $ amount of payments madeTotal DueLast Payment DateLast Payment Amount08/16/1005/15/1517343.25%"$10,000.00$0.89$1,543.26_ $11,543.26$2,340.36$0.00$13,883.622/2/2010104.66Specialist Aleksandra F. AshbyTitle Paralegal :| 230 Noth Elin SteetRee IcyGreensboro, NC 27401900.334.0296 tollfiee ~Exhibit "BI"reoais UNITED GUARANTY COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH CAROLINAUnited Guaranty Certificate # 358269Borrower Last Name KoutzoukisDate:Claim Paid DateThrough DateNumber of DaysInterest RateCharged Off PrincipalPer Diem .“Interest: Date of claim to Referral date -SubtotalPre Claim interest submitted by original lenderTotal $ amount of payments madeTotal Due ,Last Payment DateLast Payment AmountMay 14, 201508/16/10SpecialistTitle05/14/1517333.25%2/2/201085.64$3,000.00$0.27$467.91$3,467.91$1,051.51$151.96$4,367.46Aleksandra F. Ashby ~Paralegal230 North Elm StreetGreensboro, NC 27401800.334,0296 tall reeUNITED GUARANTY COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH CAROLINASTATEMENT OF ACCOUNT May 14, 2015Anthony KautzoukisCert # 358269: Posted System .Transaction Date Transaction Code Description Amount Generated -8/16/2010 10 Charged off principal 30008/16/2010 50 Total payments rec’ by lender _ 151.968/16/2010 2 ->*** SYS GEN -- REC'D PRINCIPAL 151.968/16/2010 19 Pre-charged off interest 1051.51Aleksandra F. AshbyParalegal :United Guaranty Residential insurance Company of North Carolinaswe° 230 Nowh Elm Street,Greensboro, NC 27401800.934.0296 tol feeCit Ueland Gute Loa foci eter "Sphere,~~ Daiappatonfaed |, Ploato prt coor In back Ink.oo , Online: “aa —F Intruetlons on revere side,” } Student Applicant Information ‘ shi ei gcletlins KOUTZOUKIS “7 Frtheme ANTHONY ‘>!JS Pemane Ass 73 CENTRAL ST a :How mary yeas tee, 2 | Pesos als voSocal Seouty 5 . Disa yi" eaeHone There Peet |_97 SsoiTietow formyl) ot Apna se? Bits Ob Ms Ok_Yozmnmnist Os Oe pemsrduee in J+ Hpuminardteetheedre tien{thd ome BERKLBE COLLEGE OF MUSIC BOSTON SalsltA__1P00115.0000,__Sieber nse ivi fon Td Tndapatiae 0 02 013 084 C5 ode 1 TEASE‘gor Visual 38; Performing Ate, Erna Aédess eyporavk@eomeastnet_-Loan information:Loan Period for Use of Funds Paymant Mean payments sched,Loan amount requastsd_$ 5,000,Bogh | Ls fe Lat Ed 12d a 2095_Ontem (elapse intocy K Authoritative CopyThe Student Loan Corporation *citioankSchool Certification aaaTobeompledy acl OB, ZDS Od 048. Corp Cadeoan Pad Us furs ,fon titUnderpeduate Year h Sood 102 030408 aa ie tee stntvmur cusps yoda ches an epir,yr cd Grade YarinSoteel C11 02 13 045Yat ste «fanaa ds ann pte er letol 3 nehenllsia ash vga, Sudo Eee Sesa “nica Retr a ve CikdTne, Cte Cas eneQ Applicant Reference Iii mltonbae |Fem mara nll in ea ft pe: lee pen Coffe Lan Aro $ame PETER KOUTZOUKIS ___ealestp hore [Peet fhe he .Stet_$8 ELLSWORTH ROAD.” a t+. CHROWLEY: . SONA Teoh FecormerdeDshreorint DatesHare eephone w= __._ ltt of | wm ffr cy xQ)Cosgner information ‘ HORE WORD:Stones a td eh ps Cie bend, T: Mpc en capt etn ei wf f/f 4 J ]Seca Sear = Cerri suet CPt Cea Cher Ea :lasthane fistne WL Sut Be) Dintoh | $ HORD S$ HOROSeat oT oy, ep bere cer tat het mad ns agpaion= 7 0 5 aten dng this Inston during the Loan sid thsHw any Years There?» re Tesh } “ : . inthe teesrecords avalale at tts inst applicant is notintls hn on ya perma ode ia da inant titesentaada* Divers License & inline al ar nna ee ete ovine atSra le We cette sumo al ans ard ancl@cretingoment Information ication oseneset inayo {hisinsituton,Sipae of Stet OctalAasutembe ys . —|om lls en wea tes end ROWLEY PUBLIC : 7 r‘Gow HOHTAY ame Fram Emploi Pt Nametar MONTHLY sn poral eile“Gree adil monly Icom tb tat $1,600. lncoma vrentn my Be ag, re Theay pet wipes oso Tester '@ Signatures [Please Sign and Date Beli] 7 = ‘ "| ForlenderUse Only Ts OnlPeau oi bie i fe eames Or Lancer yEt ha os eh ha accargayi poison | au ud under the lens of ect aan hn Nom fs . . ,ieee aaa ieee cerca ego ti ey asain tts | Source Code, App ID: stesroszGetler eae Py ean ces Vers, un Sg fansor Code re{Stee te Sct Sne" q - PeotD. Fea i ar ey ash over leSloatve ct Coalgar ‘+ aainan lps noes Tapa SRD 7me "fnbs Ar o te fei vet poi imp nt ae Coste entRECEIVEDJUL 29 2010S53 249 . United Guaranty TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP. This Transfer of Ownership between The Student Loan Corporation and United Guaranty CommercialInsurance Company of North Carolina for the Borrower and loan(s) listed below: Borrower Name: Koutzoukis, Anthony V SSN: 5328, CURRENT PRINCIPAL =LOAN NUMBER / BALANCE . INTEREST BALANCE24 $3,899.55 ; $117.73 The Student Loan Corporation hereby transfers ownership fo United Guaranty Commercial InsuranceCompany of North Carolina (United Guaranty)-all of its rights, title and interest in and to the defaultedCitiAssist Loan Borrower loan(s) indicated above which will. be delivered to United Guaranty inexchange for payment of the claim(s) made by The Student Loan Corporation pursuant to the-CitiAssist Loan Program Manual. The transfer of the above captioned defaulted CitiAssist LoanBorrower loan(s) shall be complete upon the delivery of the original loan document(s) to UnitedGuaranty and upon receipt of the claim payment(s) by The Student Loan Corporation Claims Unit.The Student Loan Corporation and CitiAssist further transfers all of its rights, title and interest in andto any cause of action against original obligor of the loan(s) consisting of the unpaid balance, interest,cost and attorney fees, upon receipt of claim payment(s). The Student Loan Corporation andCitiAssist disclaims any and all liability with regard to the defaulted CitiAssist Loan Borrower Ican(s)as a result of any action, inaction or occurrence taken after the point of transfer.Dated this_ 23" Day of Dye oe ,20_/By The Student Loan Corporation ao a 5 —->s +: Coordinator Signature - Sworn to before 3p is_ XO day ot 2010.ZMope : 44-2019My Commission Expires yARY PUBLICSOUTH DAKOT‘Trassfer of Owncrship- UGCitibank USA, NLA.P.O. Box 6074Sloux Fails, SD.57117-60741-800-967-2400Fax 1-800-723-2777TDD *KOUTZOUKIS, ANTHONY73 CENTRAL STROWLEY, MA 01968-September7, 2005 «DISCLOSURE STATEMENT will never exceed the maximum outined in your promithe due date, you may ba charged a fale payment chargethan the maximum allowed by law.Securlty Interests: You are giving lender / servicer a socurity interest In all refunds of the proceeds (disbursem*nts) of this loan given to youby your educational institution or any other party, Collateral securing other loans held by your lender / servicer, except those securing yourprincipal dwelling, may also secure this loan.Prepayment: If you pay off early, you wil not have to pay a penalty.See your contract documents for additional Information regarding non-paymentthe scheduled date, propayment refunds, any security interests and penalties.then Increased by 0.50% to 10.0% (due to an increase in the Index at the follow!(ncrease from $135.73 to $138.38 per month, an increase of $2.65, For this example, the number of, dafault, and any roqulred repayment in full beforoANNUAL PERCENTAGE FINANCE CHARGE AMOUNT FINANCED ‘TOTAL OF PAYMENTS:RATE ao .‘The cost of your credits a | The dollaramount the creditwill_ | The amount of cradii provided to | The amount you will have paidyearly rate. cost you. you cron your behalf. afier you have mads all paymentsas scheduled.09,820 1,657.44" 3,000.00 - 4,557.44"Payment Schedule: Number of Payments: ‘Amounts of Payments: ‘Wher payments are due:93" 50.08" . ‘On the 03 day of each monthbeginning on 08/02/2008"Varlable Rate: Your rate of interest may Increase during the fen of this tansaction if the Index used by Cithank USA, N.A increases. YourTate of interest may change on the first (181) day of January, April, July, or October of each year ("Change Dates") until your loan is repaid.There is no limit en the amount which your rate of Interest may Increase during any period. Any Increase in the rate of interestwill take theform of an increase in the number of payments, higher monthly payments or both. Any increase in the number of payments to repay the loan -nole. As an example of a rate increase, if your loan had a principal balance of$10,000 at the prior quarter's Change Date (where the Interest rate became 9.50% and there were 111 payments remaining), and that rateing Change Date), your reguiar monthly payment wouldpayments does not increase.Late Gharge: If, during your repayment period, any portion of your monthly payment remains unpaid for a period of more than 10 days afterequal to the lesser of either 5% of your payment amount or $5.00, but never more Ttemizaiion of Amount Financed of: 3,000.00 o.oo Amount given to you directlya0 Amount paid to your account——_3.000.00,___~ Amount paid to BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC onyour behalfw00 * Prepaid Finance Charge2804621089226‘9743.042672“REPORY-10 ALeMCCLA SCHEDULE/ADJUSTHENT//OEFERNENT REQ TYPE BANK 0010 = PAGEREPORT DATE 07/07/10 slog .NAME: KOUTZOUKIS, “ANTHONY y S84: 4 SOH QC TD: 2711”, gRan ATE: 00/tafe6-PHONE J OANA: ‘Gia SCH GHP BR 1D; 00 GRAD CERT DATE: 06/22/06MOBILE PHONE: a7@- EFF OT: 07/17/2008 SCH GRADE cop: 4 ENROLL STAT: FTADOR: 79 CENTRAL ST DATE DISCLOSURE SENT: 08/11/2006 NUM WO GRACE: 6.CURR PRIN: $9,899.55 CURRENT INT: $117.73 INT RATES 7.25 LT FEE PD; * $40.82ROWLEY : WA 01969 TOTAL DISEURSED; $3,000.00 INT PAID TO-OH/SH/261 QUE DATE: 00/08/2010”GTR: US REPAY STARTS 11/44/0008. / Aa aloilis DDB REASON CODE:“CURRENT SCHED: 08/28/2010 {9AT 38,00 .03/26/2012 p 106 AT 47,50 SCHED TOTAL: 4,749.00DATE TRANS DESCRIPTION LN"09/12/05 -taea4 AW EFT DISSURsem*nT DR 24TOT TRN: $8,000.00 PRIN ADU: $3,000.00 INT ADYs $.00 LTE FEE: — $.0009/2/05 53878 INSURANCE PREMIUM DEaET 26TOT TRN: $195.00 PRIN ADU: $.00 INT ADU: $.00 LTE FEE: $.00START DATE END DATE OPER ID IND09/12/05 09/12/08 apPwK ”RUN BAL: $3,000.00 BAT #:0000000 (SEA 000009/12/05 08/12/05 APPWKRUN BAL: $8,000.00 BAT #:0000000 SEO #: 090012/03/05 65900 LOAN PURCHASE DR 4 : : PSALE :TOT TRN: $3,088.12 PRIN ADU: $2,000.00 INT dD: 68.19 LTE FEE: $.00 RUN BAL; $6,000.00 BAT #0000000 SEO #: —cg0012/08/05 68900 LOAN SALE oR 4 , :PSALE =U$.00 RUN BAL! $3,000.40 HAT #3099999 séQ s:a99g0q99909/12/08 14/13/08 ,RUN BAL: $2,000.00 BAT #0000000 seo #: ono09/12/05 41/13/08RUN BAL: $3,907.43 BAT #0000000 se9 #9090TOT TRA: $8,088.12 PRIN AOU: $2,000.00 INT ADU; “$69.42 LTE FEE:11/44/08 42021 INT CAPITALIZATION cREDIT 24TOT TRN: $987.43 PRIN ADU: $.00 INT ADU: $397,43 .LTE Fee: $.0011/14/08 55822 cap INTEREST (PRIN) 4TOT TRN: $397.43 PRIN ADU: $397.43 INT ADU: $.00 LTE FEE: — §.0011/18/08 64000 PAYMENT 24 4/17/06 EpyY ouTOT TR: $44.61 PRIN ADU: sats INT ADJ: $8.42 LTE FEE: §.00 RUN BAL: $3,958.24 AT 420000800 SEQ 4: 036012/28/08 64000 PAYMENT 4 12/2/06 EPAY = .TOT TRN: $44.68 PRIN ADJ: §$.00 INT ADU: , $44.88 LTE FEE: §$.00 RUN BAL: $3,986.26 BAT #3000600 SEQ #: 010602/08/07 64000 PAYMENT . % i oa/os/or. ERY oNTOT TRA: $48.85 PRIN ADU; $1.42 INT ADU: $4549 LTE FEE $.00 RUN BAL: $9,984.82 ar #0000500 SEF: 0am03/01/07 64000 PAYMENT 4 02/28/07 EPAY uTOT TRN; = $44.68. PRIN ADU: $18.78 INT ADU: $95.90 ETE FEE: $.00 RUN BAL: $3,336.04 BAT #:0000800 SEQ 4: 1428209/28/07 64000 PAYMENT * 24 03/28/07 BPAY =uTOT TN: $44.88 PRIN ADU: $19.99 INT ADV: $91.95 LTE FEE: —$.00 AUN BAL: $9,922.71 BAT #:0000800 SEQ #: — f019904/28/07 64000 PAYMENT 4 04/25/07 EPAY ou 7TOT TAN: | $44.68 PRIN ADs $18.48 INT ADJ: “$81.22 LTE FEE: —§,00 RUN BAL: $3,908.25 gar ¥:0000500 SEQ. #: 989508/07/07 64000 PAYMENT 2406/06/07 EPAY U+ $8,909.25 BAT #:0000800 SEQ 4: 12454OFFL 0$3,909.25 BAT #:c000000 SEQ #: 0109TOT TRN: $44.68 PRIN ADU: $.00 INT ADU: $44.68 LTE FEE: “$.00 RUN BAL.07/38/07 61890 AUTO LATE CHARGE ASSESS 24TOY TR: §2,29 PRIN ADU: $.00 INT ADU; $.00 LTE FEE: —§.00 RUN BAL:06/09/07 99900 RACKDATE ADJUSTMENT 24TOT TRN: $.00 PRIN ADU: $71.99 INT ADU: §71,96 LTE FEE:$.00 RUN BAL: $3,381.18 BAT 420000000 SEQ 4: 0000"REPORT=2D ALANCCLE ” SCHEOULE/ADWUSTHENT DEFERMENT REQ TYPE BANK 00010 PAGE 2; REPORT DATE 07/07/10 ‘ :NAME: KOUTZOUKIS, ANTHONY V SH: ( 4 SCH AGC ID: 2744 GRAD DATE, 00/00/00PHONE: _” : oaNAs 22 2661124 SCH CHP BR 1D: 00 GRAD CERT DATE: 06/22/08MOBILE PHONE: 078 EFF OTs 07/17/2008 SCH GRADE COD: 4 ENROLL STAT: FTADDR: 73 CENTRAL ST DATE DISCLOSURE SENT: 08/11/2006 NUM MO GRACE: 6CURR PRIN: $9,889.55 CURRENT INT: $117-79 INT RATE; 7,25 % LT FEE PD: $10,82ROWLEY “HA 01869 TOTAL DISBURSED: $2,000.00 - INT PAID 10: 01/31/2010 DUE DATE: 02/09/2010GTR: UG REPAY START: 11/14/2006 : ODB REASON CODE:CURRENT SCHED: 08/28/2010 G {9 AT 36.0003/28/2012 P 106 AT 47,50 SCHED TOTAL: 5,719.00DATE TRANS DESCRIPTION WN.08/25/07 99800 BAOKDATE ADUUSTHENT 24TOT TRH: $00. PRIN ADJ: $71.99 INT ADU: S7A.39 LTE FEE: —$.00 AUN BAL: $8,909.25 BAT #0000000 SEQ #: 00005/31/08 42021 INT CAPITALIZATION CREDIT 24 , 05/30/08TOT TRN: $382.94 PRIN ADU; $.00° INT ADu: $82.94 LTE FEE: §.00 RUN BAL: $2,208.25 BAT #0000000 SEQ #: 000008/31/08 55802 CAP INTEREST (PRIN) 4 . 08/90/08TOT TaN: $082.84 PRIN ADU: $982.94 INT ADU: $.00 LTE FEE: $.00. RUN BAL: $2,082,49 BAT #:0000000 “SEQ 4; 000007/18/08 61890 AUTO LATE CHARGE ASSESS 24 OFL ° OTOT TRN: $2.25 PRIN ADU: $.00 INT ADU; : $.00 LTE FEE: $.00 RUN BAL: $9,602.19 BAT #:0000000 SEQ #: = 000007/26/08 84000 PAYMENT a ‘ 07/28/08 EPAY U.TOT TAN: $48.18 PRIN ADJ: 9,00 INT ADU: $40.67 LTE FEE: $4.48 AUN BAL: $9,699.19. BAT #0000500 SEQ A: 017307/28/08 64000” PAYNENT u 07/28/08 EPAY = WTOT TN: — $43,07 PRIN ADU: $27.95 INT ADU: $45.12, LTE FEE: $.00 RUN BAL: $3,664.24 BAT #:0000500 SEQ #;START DATE END DATE OPER ID INO020208/26/08 64000 PAYNENT 24 _ 08/95/08 EPAY syTOT TRV: $49.07 PRIN ADU: "$17.84 INT ADU: $25.23 LTE FEE: $.00. AUN BAL: $3,646.40 BAT #:0000500 SEQ #: 024410/03/08 64000" PAYMENT 4 Yo/o2/oa EPAY =UTOT TRN: = $48.07 PRIN ADU: $9.00 INT AN: $94.07 LTE FEE: —$.00 RUN BAL: $3,697.40 BAT #:0000500 SEQ #: . 00644/18/08 DEFERNENT--TYPE CODE = FT 24 / 08/30/07 05/26/08 r$.09 “= $.00 » $00 4,00 $.00 .11/18/08 -64000 PAYMENT © 2 “44/17/08 BPAY ouTOT TRN: $42.90 PRIN ADU: $1.76 INT ADU: $44.14 LTE FEE: $00 RUN BAL: $8,695.64 “BAT #:0000500 SEQ #: ” f088944/19/08 DEFERMENT--TYPE CODE © FA 24 08/27/08 05/30/08"$0 $.00 $.00 $,00 $.0011/21/08 98900 BACKDATE ADUUSTHENT 4 .TOT TRH: $.00 PRIN ADU: $2.98 INT ADU: «$443 LTE FEE: §.00. RUN BAL: $2,633.38 BAT 7:0000000 SEQ #: 000012/16/08 DEFERUENT--TYPE CODE = FO. 24 11/04/08 05/03/08$000 99 $.00 $.00 $.00° - .08/02/08 42021 INT CAPITALIZATION CREDIT 2408/03/08TOT TRN: $195.68 PRIN ADU: $00 INT ADJ: $195,60° LTE FEE: §.00RUN BAL; $3,633.95 BAT #:0000000 SEQ fi: 000005/02/09 58822 CAP INTEREST (PRIN) 4 ‘. 08/03/09TOT TRN: $195.68 PRIN ADU: $135.68 INT ADU: . $.00 LTE FEE: $.00 RUN BAL: $3,768.03 BAT #:0000000 SEQ #: 0000* REPORT=1D ALBWCCLE »— SCHEDULE/ADJUSTMENT/DEFERMENT REQ TYPE BANK 00010 PAGE 3oo. : REPORT DATE. 07/07/10 :NAME: KOUTZOUKIS, ANTHONY ¥ 1-24 SCH AGC ID: 27{t GRAD DATE: 00/00/00PHONE: LORNA: : 61104 SCH CHP BR 1D: 09 GRAD CERT DATE: 05/20/06MOBILE PHONE: 978+ ° “BFP OT: 07/17/2008 “SCH GRADE COD: 4 ENROLL STAT: FTADDR: 72°CENTRAL ST DATE DISCLOSURE SENT: 08/11/2006 NUM MO GRACE: 6CURR PRIN: $3,899.59 CURRENT INT: $117.78 INT RATE: 7.25 4 LT FEE PD: $10.82TOTAL DISBURSED: $3,000.00 INT PAID TO: 01/31/2010 DUE DATE; 02/03/2040DDB REASON CODE:ROWLEY MA 01960‘GTR: UG REPAY START: i4/14/2008CURRENT SCHED:. 08/28/2010 fg AT 36.0009/28/2012 P08 AT. 47,80. SCHED TOTAL: 8,748.00 DATE TRANS DESCRIPTION {N START DATE END DATE OPER ID IND06/19/09 61830 AUTO’ LATE CHARGE ASSESS 24 OFFL. 0TOT TRN: $2.08 PRIN ADU: =—»§,00 INT ADU: 5.00 LTE FEE: —§.00 RUN BAL: $3,768.09 BAT #:0000000 SEQ #: 0007/14/09 DEFERNENT==TYPE CODE = FO 2g 05/04/09 11/08/08 b-, $.00 So 3.00 $.00 $.00 $.0011/04/09 42001 INT CAPITALIZATION CREDIT 24 41/03/08:TOT TRN; = $137,75 PRIN ADU: $.00 INT ADU: $197.75" LTE FEE; §.00 RUN BAL: $8,768.02 BAT ¥:0000000 SEQ #: 000011/od/os 55822 CAP INTEREST (PRIN) 4 11/08/09TOT TRH: $187.75 PRIN ADU: $197.75 INT ADU: $.00 LTE FEE: $00 RUN BAL: $3,906.78 BAT #:0000000 SEQ #: 000042/19/09 G{830 AUTO LATE CHARGE ASSESS 24 . OFFL 0TOT TRN: $2.14 PRIN ADU: $,00. INT ADU: $.00 LTE FEE: — $,00 RUN BAL: $9,908.78 BAT #:0000000 SEQ #; 000001/19/10 61830 AUTO LATE CHARGE ASSESS 24 OFFL oO.TOT TRN: $2.14 PRIN ADJ: $.00 INT ADU; $.00 LTE FEE: —$.00 RUN BAL: $9,906.78 BAT #:0000000 SEQ #: 000002/03/10 64000 “PAYMENT 24 02/02/10 .pMTDG =UTOT TRN; = $85.64,. PRIN ADU: $7.23 INT ADU: $60.84 LTE FEE: $8.57 RUN BAL: $3,898.55 BAT #:0000618 SEQ #: 77566 .02/19/10 61830, AUTO LATE CHARGE ASSESS 24 OFFL, 0TOT TRN: $2.18 PRIN ADU: $.00 INT ADU: + $.00 LTE FEE: © $.00 RUN BAL: “$9,889.55. BAT #:0000000 SEQ #: 000004/13/10 61830 AUTO LATE CHARGE ASSESS m4 OFFL 0TOT TRN: $1.28 “PRIN ADU: $.00 INT ADUY $.00 LTE FEE; $.00 RUN BAL; $9,898.85 BAT #:0000000 SEQ a: 000005/14/10 61830 AUTO LATE CHARGE ASSESS 24 OFFL, 0TOT TRN: $1.28. PRIN ADU; $.00 INT Abu: $.00 LTE FEE: §.00 RUN BAL: $3,800.56 BAT #:0000000 SEQ #000008/15/10 61830 AUTO LATE CHARGE ASSESS 24 _ OFFL 0TOT TRN: = $1.28 PRIN ADU: ° $.00 INT ADU: $.00 LTE FEE: —$.00 RUN BAL: $3,890.88 BAT #:0000000. SEO #: 0000Master Student Loan Premlssory Note /Borower’s Copy 30Tots re‘ aad “oe en eos te see apa ances he eat,echidna ane ie, soca alstray ay insu conan aca is asa tae Loe Peis Hts (heb pam of,iaraeecn,fa beste gy ce at Cv HA fe Gan, tse aes‘eb cedtinncton ute at garni cod arcinsbsi xodaeh cleLas teach uaa tee bral an asa cps pay ilita el arg bs tee ad il Gi nee ances be fing treet |estate epg ded nici hye rein! a is‘ick fath cdg ster id coi tgaterre fa and rca ids uty tle fe estat he prea a ttlsays on Lapa twee ppt on estoySelo el cca ato dsl *ETDS "Accel ea? te pre tf ceed cece th hou sc eeasia’,"Daten De thet rts se et Ets Tete rd sthule ypc nreey acct asset ieee,aypate sewed lane lanystiaea nyt“nec ihe Sat ohio ech ape eta cetthe Mier St Loan Pry ht Coro gral ei, dices ai oe eedrai ly Saosin ie eseTe edn Pd etn pared thes nth it Dit eed en mts is yet‘reesei bela est tie etd Tein Pini ree oad ea th easesSHG clo untae sada par ti atk a,“Le! ol wer ees he dace pes psaadie aps ilay hea dtredons,"Leet Fe’ measagasedy beth puma cage net compas aetna etn‘crash aCe Apt ip eheer Loa Peete hag ones ng Lonbane or pratt, pon basen aan ane nant ai Le ae canna cepet ig ose, ikea hind ofa a,‘Ta fgg Pa ian patd it es le ae cn Pad en The ‘Sta RyeFei apa Has spas aan Batya,‘Te Wallan usta nutans ley allan abttotale bis it,‘ees ca ne ted ale isbn ohh enw pl beat adnoven tick ores Lean Lees dapat,‘EATS Att prem ten Cant, fs ese, aay isa eshued ante i eters Lean rye bye einer hea rththeNne epapet hae uate ten chests hl cdgelects andes cess in clectagannsed nibh dl ceeeat of is ide i Spx Be ein fle en Vea baie abet, Tz es adonssfathin tebe ene apeeen eben unc an aided axa co ctsHe yates ad aye the beso Nc[sd aa thd eumay nal Lens nbs oe ding eco nate dae dettno Shc, ape enh sah Len ih geo of: ae ares of dren fo‘shui tise | et nde ie Ln eh ig Lan asa i Pale wile te ere stn bad Cvi gr Ltr tbe sethrect tach tLe, [uch the te of ay Conon apne Lt stot eects 2 .‘naan ts HoeLayeeato sae en eaten ig ta ale ete lig es, hedderee mystery rr ete ne ete opSeti oa shee inde dy ee pi ges ie tngsopduecntistateOHH AMM SSCLOSURESATEMENT eae tct hs ataon ert ne anette hnbeau Bitlet ham of isa eg aac be itedtoon tn ager Kee You ils me due sens rhe not anycareer andar israel ple eal eathd samen comes png heard sl arta yn ee quis,bia ee amnrs ered fry beet oc upon ny eae ay Sho eet meal ofAds aac sn ofa en Fe ncn can ea,[BRWOVERS UGH 1 CANCEL Elna ht msn emn spp apa yeaaod any hats To cal ays dss a |r crac yu a i dog(elfen sane tic liga cede ae bayLean dhoemens weretured ty aan hose st tty alo ayesadazedtomect toy ‘amyl tae bl ewer Los. JdAngas cactrtdcelteste any dabarery emg la ig tin a ange peety dsesuesteec any seq abuse Insc ay Loeb ining custSp ig he id te oe toy sage et ayavoir a ideczsers a bereume nga,al vay etn fay oan cite xe reed bye Sl resin a5 ee‘phar ol healt haps he | eth a cca,Ui tore anelaay‘ok ntetnd hte etn comet eduction pan unde ym sth ors, feetree cay cin ots,INTEREST ees exh Larus te eit cue he itl eis ered beeingef Ibs ea herp need dona up ne aed tn ghteTaro pmeto tiadfl eet bcate bd ea lacinane ad ntact locas te Cicbasenent Deb on biped h,Tha rl Ra each an ate els tn the Pie Rute ininds honey ewer te yeh 0 dg pith rt aca epeeeat ye aaa pls rin the perce ited en halle Cig preter btveld comets ts Loma ishty ere ish et arun he Mage’ nddbheres fund ih uti at ger han mamum awed bya ei Teaaye it aye an Jy ad Cea eye faa Tha eee,tener Chara aed deride SieArte pad Deere Tt Ste Jl ct pdr te edith he Di brete ant bugil ted a inthe et meta Piefila hier pled Helier oslo ll ysl tna congas sedgewre,TSN tntnda lnatehte lpr,. ‘waitin ted chlo ae bee tytnPaid puerta nytt at gare lng epg irdecome mo pa based en he sano at nie els on hy ietsvndetnd esha ele ae ey Lozi ass, he eet nc yee enertrarnter ol sched amas my ere eo esi ly rel epic ne,acer harps lithe nd ca tise te reetingepeecto. ute edei tet itl pray ya Lest nes i,ete ein ef the epg Pid nae aces neta ce on tence eratond cui i eb noe hyped icc ulypoymetana leita oye le edu be epee SiaFt cd reseed natty apes hn 8 ls besa edn fk ea clonesrote lps oy iden Leave i ne belesten SDsHee ocedundr lof nla in 80)fay potion arate ep far oe ha cesar de | i bepoyerche eal cf yet arc be rv ane ean ant ey alyeni ne apm chaye permet payoet qa enue eas tis.ears ibe ape it cry eco ait, an th ri ne tailorsx mgr fay Lone th esha swap teen aad tpt‘nkactinss oh san apepaa ise appl um taratbrto apiteyadtin,‘au detest acing i on es ma get tomy ebPee | anata such ii ol be a our coetien and tuk met es ka *pospnnene racecars fap ie cottage pd hynp hare eel ileal Lea iineal ens ae ie a ely and pee edd,(age ny oar tained eyPRVALY-Siuslgeanentcec oupoliesreacintedesrectneptchlomatonegingaeto gaisan used ips alten ei oh chooses yaoguanylate bation snp terecesatyneanenetobeditocenatEpes cinco acacia it,Astute ini cer get ee ost | ate uta ahiat any oa ane cms pig ad da sly a ets”tune ai acta oki cnn natin ay igi popsasad aes nLite ys eae aiceatie lig ihrbeep ean oe as eid yg a td ti at oy Lescaut‘fons cho bnto onan eprcy gc aca y cryTere pape kaon cess pa nea yn tre hain ad ieApron eee nya,FANT beat pry lla and hl lager i eaewander br acueinre ndlearun eons reo ta ae adpelea ha pace erence lene paner,Aopen de leu acing rang ates te ena tgs Deas aeacho et beats eb aay pang ean yawean oly att by eds tte eon set phflishencrbay comer ceri Carentan eps a8 eatAds Be tamsclay oh enna, .Petherton ea rome cael ei a bua ede hinPainaetde intecapo rvs eth and ntact eo hector ecm ohHee sheer open reheating sn ingore tote epson deerlonalatlatistte,alae tr pent ed lt‘ote acre zl ich Tiare aor eriest dean pret ls fet teint nese mare apa celalabo beregnsipayrsae cinco icy agua one caps crt cbardcobcincht eet,eee ly a epee ava et ghetto angage ns ena ycSango arin car Leal of betel ea Lc pres ied paaha oro ayer yurceReper,ASUACEASSSVAET OH Idetada amay teresa ay aadds isto anya open, ss rages ead cde yeeagen nears to eth cy be bee adiealters tle to eee bt,ARRTHATON OF OSPUTES PLEASE HED TAS TRAN RO SNCARELLY PROUDEST”‘YOUCRI CAN RECURE RATAN COATRNESYOROPUREBERESELED BY EOS RRA (LEP ORPTE HARE EXCL RRA AS SECEDE ELAESTHERCHTIOOCOUR, ROUDG THE ROH TOA? AD THE GH TPSRCOPTE Mt LASS ACTON OR SLA.RCE HAPS, OSPTE SND EUTOL AEA STAD GA OE,-RSTRTDN PROCGOIRS AE SMA A RELATED Th LES PE COT,Ueda swt ain pry efits ap» tli mae any coche ott dagen, ener cin rove sear ex hbeoverdmeainga ofr cect st yen,» tonnes agement iced teen apcatn nde gh any adresvtec ht,ADTRAN cleanest tadUnt apeaias‘Axeenent tate eu andl ageetht edt Img teat ache’ ose eae a ay hans‘etn gad hector, aeons hrc aes et esalin pod bate use eae nig desl corre, dsl be pee by, aBement ete de apa,‘he Selascnenty stent,Chin sft ed ae cae» cl*t aan ad al aps fy ect tn oe echt, isin,fens edna ning ing i as eb crt yr,anydatvse sed loc ea capping ca,ind tsa ri, fy tins a tt Cn a cet nar lb ald byiypetg isang tbat bel cy th eed, :+ Cindy bess cl*t bar coated iho cing ough, schs(epg rcp uy Ac nee, gee ae rae ake, Silty aisstealer ly sh*t ld dec pun ape capa ined oan aanpews ad ster rss tl heelys, esa esa gl ae te ab‘nal qunay ie heared ai ze poeta thle the Cnfate .+ Cefn oe ay coat oleic fog fly ail‘at cont ctr stds ey rs cero fi oerpss cot o ese la ay ct ld ele gt airy ictpeat,+ afghan inte re ng af tab or ye maeinp eins ieligprac as,» ashlee aang coe, gaty chines ot a ptyisa raat they Cl ace a yayaiyi» Cas es aol acs ane esta Beaten sas potecst pone bt jor ie ho pica Chet,tncnray epee ypu te ai ay pi aber arin pide dy gedvl, street chavs,(Ce Edd ho tains+ Ay Cs Fey His y oral asl cot og ea rats cht adlcs ya i fcIntact sn Tepaiyfiganaticfon ms done mec ecg beats tengeben’ eliotn tn so Tein cedasinden hon ian an Lr het ead pce natin,ssa es fd yet cet seaon uur ence Tyas ica hkatest uc ey afin highland ible ala chy teatroAan nition eit SOC ny Di sll tae+p’ hoe agen fend nee tcaeeset thee kia‘eles hvala elm ig oad tuto br gaacotati fin sid Ince i ta core hes ate‘tela hited, , ‘honda leaped ria ee ative Cais Tatar eet beayaa nas epoca ae De ate estedSeries ce ahead, The aha oe concede fe arene pcan es cfsatin bt i anal nde te anise is ts at pisie ti pees ini ae sent il pe, eyAnt ante sa notre Theat ipl aga hai a cel attease in die ie phe aie acheety ad eed al earl ere sap cata aco bnaor cot rin cg beat wept i sie ninrested dso by uct me Met whet ps a aaa apa eg rca ehpuedo afield ct stad a atte ae,shoal pty fee Th cers cay anageresses ete by apa pm rege yg ree ato po be at eeresushr beat, :Cty tie atti uphillUxeandlff fated plete Ad tel see heI ei pac dlp hae bn, yay a ol eater ad aan‘ihe thir th eng ores lb led he ohh oa ken,nit an age a i, ri ec meno ig es eas ita‘eit asd eis eid aang sarki‘sed cae yn Et patter eee Ut ty rng pa ada atheaes wes a pty els eel ud be ater lyn pct neinfits apatysteddreoie anya ages an adh patyNason ede ef are past beat ute ily roe sy pscArial and peal eel ere teen antigen bsatta pas at pee oped ac ug tne pad hattain, myshare ota attest at sae ye atstheta Case pas aye a de oa ut ginsavant tinoenesae aa’ calc omasoe lan adders tisbaat ectoniTete, ly, peas fi ening lin oa eed i crabd Dsaatatai, wad itd pce cattie changer each Cans abc esate,raft as ner Flr crane at gina yetiincendie awe car sore ds erince stb Cs nati detect bien etnavita, ‘abe daar ay asad yp cape esd ge htigankain bv apn ef reel acetal he sae in Hard Tpcof atin bese a aoa ged wa se tit atreeds ail nda tose tabs heya aeDee ast ait nad apr nana y tro td hsp ileillite ode at bapeiund eA nea aatibe cal promt by he AA rt pl a by aye angen, Judge apn aystd zd eed aching tin doc ab dl teh iscipitation dl nea aigceteris anetpae nts real ei dhe dpaSanity svat Tit stele ae ain dtc te ead epbesenjcardme cain tf teary ofanpa and fi ay baconone fit ayant any che pen ay etn ichigoinion bere iron eterna in th te}aru exd ahr exnd yo aoe psey iy ae oyna is‘debypp anwar cn tans et atin pr le ado gad heteetelBendgecadneintetamenane adtotesmemdetashhanasigee ae,ADNITONL AE REDUNT = egy xen et uray he iy ay sanomer iyyouuetmt iy mth aid pop ss enna, igang itsdetour pened pone eval snanae ten cee ovine ay pete aac tain hepesoseud eae ony dali way risa acai gaseae a vei sah igs any etn ny Mucus ad De oped tlecade rte presets elo ef pew mpl rnin saresitu i ee! ainda eat pete ye ety eicheaieteetorgiemtiatos,‘iets ene a ened a rk Sead eon on shih demebb int tC epee is eee geet es ad asecfd ica ald,Urey at heal str gs tuys ktaany seary le tevnia ane whee, .‘aypndiaa kk tails eae bye sll onder elatedalent ij erty terete,hgh aba ed ous ch bce aed ye ieslot tgand met agen wily ic oh Ub, Mo cin i ed wycatrebitytty eran tet,SURTY TEREST odd te adi an tae see eel pens |pal cau ae cpl ced han by euch aydy it iia artsy haesitusidaguretisheniD {sd eneloop alr hag yan tes eaSouda,Ange yva edz gi nie ceed te herd yf al eeatest nea Ge etry flereRIIREARRENER- Tes ado ot pu li ts ila the din gp easconde ate aghane ven ocar.ebesot Ctind peta reeeee eles ede ts,SUTELAYHONRES: ALN: agen ie te there es peeUsk atti ee dps antinori nts cag pdanaemic et pc,CAUPORAAFSDENI sree yan bay wed ane ce et eed ny catray Daina teas a ta bons ny ce ign,ROR sent i ett aoe apt age OCA GROYA SHS AND AE OTE 10 OSIM ot te ee feed Yoae race ts eae, te pl Serta fe wa ety aycee ota edo meme cas ace wbMRE, KE ORG AND VRC: ht, WA. ot sat ee def aconame rgtingazey ret brea Ungerer dN edausm nent ented des fe caeutaetd egtcapo aed usecase maybe eased et al hee obcuvettes tenet entice ape eign en ingenack yl cU chendeppesac se ha(NOASKAND HAE: Tern thst ene cena rcsadres ute fied coat gt Feu daaMSSOUR ORAL LOAN AGREEMENTS OR CONTINENTS 0 LUM OE XTRD CREDITOR 10 FRREAR,TRON EAFORLSRRYREN OF SUKDERT CLUDING PROMISES 10 EXTEXD OF RENE SUCHDEG AREOY ATOCEBE PRC YO BURA) DU (REE BON MSAD ESTED ORDSHPPUMTHEM, AY AOREVENTS HE REACH CCERNG SUCK RATERS ARE CATANED I TSAUTOR, TE CHPLETE HD ACLS STACRT FTE ABEERN TEASEASWENATATRACREEM WAT TOKOOPY CL” . .‘Hie Th Fo Ss aiding th leds ne edt euy cl cet«onal cera nape rina ced ima ei nae. 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Case Number: 22VECV01454 Hearing Date: August 29, 2024 Dept: 107 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES NORTHWEST DISTRICT James Hansen Plaintiff, v. WJA Management, Inc. Defendant. Case Number Department 22VECV01454 107 COURTS [TENTATIVE] ORDER RE: Motion for security BACKGROUND On September 30, 2022, Plaintiffs James Hansen (Hansen), individually and derivatively on behalf of WJA Management, Inc. (WJAM)(collectively, Plaintiffs) filed the operative First Amended Complaint (FAC) against Defendant Allen Eggers and DOES 1 through 50 (Defendants) and WJAM (Nominal Defendant), alleging causes of action for (1) Corporations Code §§ 2004, 2005, 2009; (2) Accounting; (3) Breach of Fiduciary Duty; (4) Conversion; (5) Unjust Enrichment; and (6) Constructive Fraud. On March 12, 2024, Defendant Eggers filed a Cross-Complaint against Western Jet Aviation (WJA), James E. Hansen, Patricia A. Hansen (Cross-Defendants) and ROES 1 through 30, inclusive, alleging causes of action for (1) Breach of Contract; (2) Open Book Account; (3) Account Stated; (4) reasonable Value of Services; (5) Breach of Fiduciary Duty; and (6) Declaratory Relief. On May 23, 2024, Plaintiffs filed the operative First Amended Complaint (FAC), alleging the same causes of action against the same defendants. Defendant WJAM now moves for an order requiring Hansen to post security pursuant to Corporations Code Section 800 in the amount of $50,000.00 or such lesser amount as the Court deems appropriate. [Tentative] Ruling Motion for Security is DENIED. LEGAL STANDARD Pursuant to Corporations Code Section 800, subdivision (c), In any action referred to in subdivision (b), at any time within 30 days after service of summons upon the corporation or upon any defendant who is an officer or director of the corporation, or held such office at the time of the acts complained of, the corporation or the defendant may move the court for an order, upon notice and hearing, requiring the plaintiff to furnish a bond as hereinafter provided. The motion shall be based upon one or both of the following grounds: (1) That there is no reasonable possibility that the prosecution of the cause of action alleged in the complaint against the moving party will benefit the corporation or its shareholders. (2) That the moving party, if other than the corporation, did not participate in the transaction complained of in any capacity. The court on application of the corporation or any defendant may, for good cause shown, extend the 30-day period for an additional period or periods not exceeding 60 days. (Corp. Code, § 800, subd. (c).) In short, the burden is upon him to show, by a preponderance of the evidence, either that there is no fair likelihood of benefit to the corporation or its security holders and not that there is no foreseeable possibility or chance of slight benefit; or, that he did not participate in the transaction complained of. (Wood v. Gordon (1952) 112 Cal.App.2d 374, 376.) ANALYSIS Defendant WJAM moves for an order requiring Hansen to post security pursuant to Corporations Code Section 800 on the grounds that there is no reasonable possibility that the prosecution of the derivative causes of action alleged in the complaint will benefit the corporation or its shareholders. Specifically, WJAM asserts the claimed improper payments on the spreadsheet provided Hansen are ordinary and necessary expenses of WJAM similar to historically paid expenses for which no objection was made. Furthermore, WJAM contends Hansen was unwilling to allow WJA to pay the debt owed to WJAM but reduce the purchase price accordingly because he would lose more as a majority shareholder of WJA than he would make as a WJAM shareholder. Similarly, WJAM contends Hansen refused to share in substantial closing costs of the WJA sale by having his stock consideration of roughly $3 million used to allocate those closing costs. Finally, WJAM asserts the Complaint is frivolous and brought only to misdirect the Court from the claims in the Cross-Complaint. In opposition, Hansen argues the instant motion is untimely. As set forth above, a motion for security must be filed within 30 days after the service of summons on the corporation or any defendant who is or was an officer or director of the corporation at the time of the conduct complained of were committed. Although the original summons and complaint were served on Eggers, the motion is being by WJAM and there is no proof of service filed indicating that WJAM was served the original summons and complaint nor the summons and complaint for the FAC despite being named a defendant in both pleadings. Similarly, there is no indication that Eggers or anyone else were served on behalf of WJAM. Thus, the Court will consider the motion on the merits. Next, Hansen contends he is entitled to pursue each count in his individual capacity without any security requirement. In support of his contention, Hansen cites to Hagan v. Superior Court (1960) 53 Cal.2d 498, which held Section 800 of the Corporations Code does not authorize the requiring of security from shareholders who seek to vindicate their personal rights, even though they allege facts that would also give rise to a corporate cause of action. (Hagan v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (1960) 53 Cal.2d 498, 503.) Even though the FAC alleges Eggers made a series of improper payments of WJAMs funds, Hansen also alleges Eggers unilaterally dissolved WJAM without his consent or knowledge, failed to account for distributions due to Hansen, and withheld distributions due to Hansen. As such, Hansen has demonstrated he seeks to vindicate his rights as a shareholder not just the rights of WJAM, so Hansen is not required to post a security pursuant to Corporations Code Section 800. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, Defendant WJA Management, Inc.s Motion for Security is DENIED. __________________________________ Judge Eric Harmon, Department 107, Van Nuys August 29, 2024 Los Angeles County Superior Court
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CV-23-003438 – ARTEAGA, SALVADOR RIVERA vs ALGHAZZI, WISSAM A – Plaintiff’s Motion to Lift Stay – GRANTED, unopposed.The Court finds that Defendants, regardless of the Court’s order of October 18, 2023, have failed to discharge their financial obligations to the American Arbitration Association as would permit the parties’ arbitration with the American Arbitration Association to proceed, in spite of notices by the American Arbitration Association regarding said payment. As a result, the American Arbitration Association upon notice to the parties, has administratively closed said case.In view of said default by Defendants the stay imposed by the Court on proceedings herein on October 18, 2024, is hereby lifted. Plaintiffs may continue to litigate their claims in the Superior Court. (9. U.S.C § 3; Civ. Proc. Code §§ 1281.4 and 128.97; Williams v. West Coast Hospitals, Inc. (2022) 86 Cal.App. 5th 1054; Smith v. Spizzirri, U.S.2024, 144 S.Ct. 1173).
Michael A. Thompson et al vs. Kamajie Miller et al
Aug 26, 2024 |CU24-05339
CU24-05339Petition to Compel ArbitrationTENTATIVE RULINGPlaintiffs’ petition to compel arbitration is denied without prejudice.Plaintiffs have failed to establish that Defendant has refused to arbitrate. (Mansouri v.Superior Court (2010) 181 Cal.App.4th 633, 641-642.) The court notes that Plaintiffs,not Defendant, initiated this action by filing the complaint for damages and, althoughPlaintiffs claim to have made a demand to arbitrate the matter (Decl. of Thompson, ¶19), they make no attempt to show that Defendant refused this demand however it mayhave been made.
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CV-24-001895 – AZIZI, ABDULLAH vs RUSH, ROBERT – Plaintiff’s Motion for Leave to File a Second Amended Complaint – DENIED, without prejudice.Proof of service demonstrates that insufficient notice was given. CCP § 1005(b) requires moving papers to be filed and served 16 court days before the hearing.
Aug 27, 2024 |24VECV00072
Case Number: 24VECV00072 Hearing Date: August 27, 2024 Dept: 107 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES NORTHWEST DISTRICT Robert W. Brown, et al., Plaintiffs, v. Newrez LLC, et al., Defendants. Case Number Department 24VECV00072 107 COURTS [TENTATIVE] ORDER RE: Demurrer to First Amended Complaint BACKGROUND Plaintiffs Robert W. Brown and Patricia Brown were the owners of property located at 4465 Tupelo Derive, Calabasas, CA (the Property). The Property was sold at a trustees sale on May 20, 2016. The Trustees Deed Upon Sale was recorded wit the Los Angeles Recorders Office on May 25, 2016 and it was conveyed back to the beneficiary of the Deed of Trust, The Bank of New York Mellon fka The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the Certificateholders, CWALT, Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 2007-22 Mortgage Pass Through Certificates Series 2007-22. Plaintiffs filed this action to contest the foreclosure on their home. Plaintiffs previously filed other legal actions in federal and state court challenging the foreclosure. On January 5, 2024, Plaintiffs filed this action against Defendants NewRez LLC fka New Penn Financial LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing, New Residential Funding, II, The Bank of New York Mellon fka The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the Certificateholders, CWALT, Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 2007-22 Mortgage Pass Through Certificates Series 2007-22 and Community Loan Servicing LLC fka Bayview Loan Servicing LLC (collectively Defendants). On June 4, 2024, Plaintiffs filed a First Amended Complaint (FAC) alleging (1) unfair business practices licensing; (2) fraud-concealment; (3) fraud-extrinsic; (4) Dodd-Frank Act; (5) Fraud-Conveyance; and (6) vacate ruling. On August 2, 2024, Defendants filed a demurrer to the FAC. No opposition has been filed. Defendants filed a Notice of Non-Opposition on August 21, 2024. DISCUSSION Request for Judicial Notice Defendants Request for Judicial Notice is granted pursuant to Evidence Code §452(c) and (d). Applicable Law The party against whom a complaint or cross-complaint has been filed may object, by demurrer or answer as provided in Section 430.30, to the pleading on any one or more of the following grounds:& The pleading does not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. (CCP §430.10(e).) A demurrer for sufficiency tests whether the complaint states a cause of action. (Hahn v. Mirda (2007) 147 Cal.App.4th 740, 747.) A demurrer tests the pleadings alone and not the evidence or other extrinsic matters. Therefore, the defects must be apparent on the face of the pleading or via proper judicial notice. (Code Civ. Proc., §§ 430.30, 430.70; Donabedian v. Mercury Ins. Co. (2004) 116 Cal.App.4th 968, 994.) At the pleading stage, a plaintiff need only allege ultimate facts sufficient to apprise the defendant of the factual basis for the claim against him. (Semole v. Sansoucie (1972) 28 Cal. App. 3d 714, 721.) The court assumes the truth of the complaints properly pleaded or implied factual allegations. (E-Fab, Inc. v. Accountants, Inc. Servs. (2007) 153 Cal.App.4th 1308, 1315.) A demurrer does not, however, admit contentions, deductions or conclusions of fact or law alleged in the pleading, or the construction of instruments pleaded, or facts impossible in law. (S. Shore Land Co. v. Petersen (1964) 226 Cal.App.2d 725, 732.) A demurrer based on an affirmative defense cannot properly be sustained where the action might be barred by the defense, but is not necessarily barred. (CrossTalk Productions, Inc. v. Jacobson (1998) 65 Cal.App.4th 631, 635.) Claim Preclusion Defendants argue Plaintiffs FAC is barred by the doctrine of res judicata, or claim preclusion. Defendants argue Plaintiffs have litigated their right to title to the Property and the validity of the foreclosure sale in two prior actions, a state court lawsuit filed prior to the trustees sale in February 2016 (State Lawsuit) and a federal lawsuit after the trustees sale in February 2019 (Federal Lawsuit). Plaintiffs acknowledge the likelihood that Defendants would raise res judicata as a defense based on the Federal Lawsuit. (FAC, 2:26-3:1-5.) Claim and issue preclusion have different requirements and effects. Claim preclusion prevents relitigation of entire causes of action. Claim preclusion applies only when a second suit involves (1) the same cause of action (2) between the same parties or their privies (3) after a final judgment on the merits in the first suit. Issue preclusion, by contrast, prevents relitigation of previously decided issues, rather than causes of action as a whole. It applies only (1) after final adjudication (2) of an identical issue (3) actually litigated and necessarily decided in the first suit and (4) asserted against one who was a party in the first suit or one in privity with that party. (Samara v. Matar (2018) 5 Cal.5th 322, 326.) The doctrine promotes judicial economy by preventing claim splitting. It requires all claims based on the same cause of action, which were or could have been raised, to be decided in a single suit. (Kim v. Reins International California, Inc. (2020) 9 Cal.5th 73, 9293.) Under what circ*mstances is a matter to be deemed decided by the prior judgment? Obviously, if it is actually raised by proper pleadings and treated as an issue in the cause, it is conclusively determined by the first judgment. But the rule goes further. If the matter was within the scope of the action, related to the subject-matter and relevant to the issues, so that it could have been raised, the judgment is conclusive on it despite the fact that it was not in fact expressly pleaded or otherwise urged. The reason for this is manifest. A party cannot by negligence or design withhold issues and litigate them in consecutive actions. Hence the rule is that the prior judgment is res judicata on matters which were raised or could have been raised, on matters litigated or litigable. (Thibodeau v. Crum (1992) 4 Cal.App.4th 749, 755 (homeowners lawsuit against driveway subcontractor was barred by doctrine of res judicata arising from prior arbitration between homeowner and general contractor; although issue of driveway cracks was not raised in prior arbitration, they could and should have been raised).) California employs the primary rights theory to determine if two successive proceedings involve the same cause of action. Under the primary rights theory, the invasion of one primary right gives rise to a single cause of action. A cause of action consists of 1) a primary right possessed by the plaintiff, 2) a corresponding primary duty devolving upon the defendant, and 3) a derelict or wrong done by the defendant which consists in a breach of such primary right and duty. The existence of a cause of action is based upon the harm suffered, as opposed to the particular theory asserted by the litigant. (Brinton v. Bankers Pension Services, Inc. (1999) 76 Cal.App.4th 550, 557.) The cause of action is based upon the harm suffered, as opposed to the particular theory asserted by the litigant. Even where there are multiple legal theories upon which recovery might be predicated, one injury gives rise to only one claim for relief. Hence a judgment for the defendant is a bar to a subsequent action by the plaintiff based on the same injury to the same right, even though he presents a different legal ground for relief. Thus, under the primary rights theory, the determinative factor is the harm suffered. When two actions involving the same parties seek compensation for the same harm, they generally involve the same primary right. (Boeken v. Philip Morris USA, Inc. (2010) 48 Cal.4th 788, 798.) Defendants fail to establish that all three lawsuits seek redress for the same harm. Defendants argue Plaintiffs seek redress for loss of the Property due to their purported loan default in all three lawsuits. However, Plaintiffs FAC alleges wrongdoing and damages flowing from the issuance of a 1098 Form in connection with the sale of the property by Bank of New York to third parties in July 2020, the licensing status of the entities involved in that sale and other aspects of the sale that do not pertain to Plaintiffs right to the Property. The focus of the alleged wrongdoing in this litigation are actions by NewRez, LLC in 2020, after the May 2016 trustees deed sale that was the subject to the State Lawsuit and Federal Lawsuit. The Court cannot find based on the face of the convoluted FAC that the same primary right is necessarily involved in all three litigations. In fact, it is difficult to say what precise harm Plaintiffs are seeking redress for in this action, because the FAC is so poorly drafted. In addition, while Defendants discuss the same cause of action element, they do not brief at all whether the February 2016 and February 2019 lawsuits satisfy the same parties and final judgment on the merits elements of claim preclusion. Based on the caption page of the State Lawsuit, none of the demurring Defendants were named therein. (RJN, Ex. E.) Based on the caption of the Federal Lawsuit, only demurring Defendant The Bank of New York Mellon fka The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the Certificateholders, CWALT, Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 2007-22 Mortgage Pass Through Certificates Series 2007-22 (Bank of New York) was named as a party. Thus, of the demurring Defendants, only Bank of New York establishes the same party element of claim preclusion. Plaintiffs also raised the lack of identity of parties as grounds to reject the res judicata defense in the FAC. (FAC, 3:6-9.) Defendants also submit evidence that the Federal Lawsuit was dismissed with prejudice. (RJN, Exs. H and I.) Defendants do not brief whether this qualifies as a final judgment on the merits. However, it is well-established that a dismissal with prejudice is considered a judgment on the merits preventing subsequent litigation between the parties on the dismissed claim. (Kim v. Reins International California, Inc. (2020) 9 Cal.5th 73, 91.) Defendants Demurrer based on claim preclusion fails and demurrer on that ground is overruled. 1st cause of action for unlicensed companies Defendants demurrer to the first cause of action for unlicensed companies is sustained for failure to state a cause of action. There is no recognized cause of action for unlicensed companies, nor is it clear from the substantive allegations what cognizable cause of action could be stated based on the facts alleged. Plaintiffs did not file an opposition to the demurrer. The burden is on Plaintiffs to establish that the defect is reasonably capable of cure with leave to amend. (Hendy v. Losse (1991) 54 Cal.3d 723, 742.) Defendants demurrer to the first cause of action for unlicensed companies is SUSTAINED WITHOUT LEAVE TO AMEND. 2nd cause of action for Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act and IRS Violations Defendants demurrer to the 2nd cause of action for Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act and IRS Violations is sustained. According to Plaintiffs, Defendant NewRez, LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing prepared and issued an IRS 1098 Form showing they were liable for $10,287.85 of the escrow money disbursem*nts. Plaintiffs claim this is a violation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act, because under that Act, the settlement agent (escrow officer) on the Closing Disclosure is responsible for preparing, issuing and filing tax documents upon closing of a real estate transaction. (FAC, ¶105.) Plaintiffs fail to state a cognizable claim. While Plaintiffs cite to the Dodd Frank Act, Plaintiffs fail to cite to a specific subsection of the act or any authority creating a private right of action for violation of the Act. Plaintiffs also failed to file any opposition. Defendants demurrer to the second cause of action for Dodd-Frank Act and IRS violations is SUSTAINED WITHOUT LEAVE TO AMEND. 3rd cause of action for concealment and extrinsic fraud Defendants demurrer to the third cause of action is sustained. Plaintiffs fail to allege any of the elements of concealment or fraud. Plaintiffs allege that NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage committed concealment of key events involving an ongoing case, thus giving rise to extrinsic fraud in influencing Judge Steven V. Wilsons decision against the Plaintiffs. (CA, Civil Code §1710 and 3924(c)(3)(d). (FAC, ¶113.) Defendants argue the fraud claim is also barred by statute of limitations. Plaintiffs fraud claim fails to identify any specific act of fraud, and it is unclear if Plaintiffs are claiming fraud based on the 1098 Form issued on February 2, 2020. For this reason, the Court cannot find based on the face of the complaint that the fraud claim is necessarily barred by statute of limitations. Demurrer therefore cannot be sustained based on statute of limitations. Plaintiffs allegations are conclusory and do not allege any fraud. Plaintiffs also failed to oppose. Defendants Demurrer to the third cause of action for fraud is SUSTAINED WITHOUT LEAVE TO AMEND. 4th cause of action for Vacate of Ruling and Res Judicata Defendants demurrer to the fourth cause of action for vacate of ruling and res judicata is sustained. There is no cognizable cause of action for vacate of ruling and res judicata. Moreover, Plaintiffs are requesting that this Court vacate the dismissal with prejudice entered in 2:19-cv-00991-SVW-PJW and to vacate any res judicata effect that case may have. The Court does not have jurisdiction or authority to vacate the ruling of a federal district court, nor is there a cognizable cause of action stated by these allegations. Plaintiffs did not file an opposition. Defendants demurrer to the fourth cause of action is SUSTAINED WITHOUT LEAVE TO AMEND. 5th cause of action for escrow fraud Defendants demurrer to the escrow fraud cause of action is sustained. There is no cognizable cause of action for escrow fraud, nor do Plaintiffs allege the elements of common law fraud. Plaintiffs do not allege a clear misrepresentation by Defendants upon which they detrimentally relied. Plaintiffs did not file an opposition. Defendants demurrer to the fifth cause of action for escrow fraud is SUSTAINED WITHOUT LEAVE TO AMEND. 6th cause of action void grant deed Defendants demurrer to the sixth cause of action for void grant deed is sustained. Plaintiffs seek to cancel the grant deed issued on July 23, 2020, conveying the Property from Bank of New York to third parties, Ronald A. Rosenblum and Jacqueline D. Rosenblum, Trustees of the Rosenblum Family Trust dated December 1, 2010. Civil Code section 3412 states that a written instrument may be cancelled if there is a reasonable apprehension that if left outstanding it may cause serious injury to a person against whom it is void or voidable. To prevail on a claim to cancel an instrument, a plaintiff must prove (1) the instrument is void or voidable due to, for example, fraud; and (2) there is a reasonable apprehension of serious injury including pecuniary loss or the prejudicial alternation of one's position. (Thompson v. Ioane (2017) 11 Cal.App.5th 1180, 1193-1194.) Plaintiffs were not parties to the grant deed, nor do they allege any fraud that would entitle them to void the grant deed. (FAC, ¶¶122-130.) Plaintiffs did not file an opposition. Defendants Demurrer to the sixth cause of action for void grant deed is SUSTAINED WITHOUT LEAVE TO AMEND. 7th cause of action for business practices/pooling and service agreements Defendants Demurrer to the seventh cause of action for business practices/pooling and service agreements is sustained. There is no cognizable cause of action for business practices/pooling and service agreements, nor did Plaintiffs file an opposition asserting that these facts state a valid claim. Defendants demurrer to the seventh cause of action for business practices/pooling and service agreements is SUSTAINED WITHOUT LEAVE TO AMEND. CONCLUSION Defendants Demurrer to the FAC is SUSTAINED WITHOUT LEAVE TO AMEND. Plaintiffs fail to state any cause of action against Defendants, nor did Plaintiffs file an opposition. (Herzberg v. County of Plumas (2005) 133 Cal.App.4th 1, 20 (plaintiffs failure to raise argument in opposition to demurrer deemed abandonment of issue); Hendy v. Losse (1991) 54 Cal.3d 723, 742 (burden on plaintiff to establish that defect is reasonably capable of cure with leave to amend).) Accordingly, Defendants demurrer SUSTAINED WITHOUT LEAVE TO AMEND. __________________________________ Judge Eric Harmon, Department 107, Van Nuys August 27, 2024 Los Angeles County
Christine Welisch vs. Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.
Aug 30, 2024 |CV0000889
DATE: 08/27/24 TIME: 1:30 P.M. DEPT: A CASE NO: CV0000889PRESIDING: HON. STEPHEN P. FRECCEROREPORTER: CLERK: RON BAKERPLAINTIFF: CHRISTINE WELISCH vs.DEFENDANT: VOLKSWAGEN GROUP OFAMERICA, INC.NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: 1) MOTION — ATTORNEY’S FEES2) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE — DISMISS RULINGThese matters moved to October 1, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in Department A. All parties must comply with Marin County Superior Court Local Rules, Rule 2.10(B)to contest the tentative decision. Parties who request oral argument are required to appear inperson or remotely by ZOOM. Regardless of whether a party requests oral argument inaccordance with Rule 2.10(B), the prevailing party shall prepare an order consistent with theannounced ruling as required by Marin County Superior Court Local Rules, Rule 2.11. The Zoom appearance information for August, 2024 is as follows: Meeting ID: 160 292 5171 Passcode: 868745 If you are unable to join by video, you may join by telephone by calling (669) 254-5252and using the above-provided passcode. Zoom appearance information may also be found onthe Court’s website: https:/'
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