The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)

ft 'i StoPOt. ST 1150 -W ttStall, toc.t f.m.1, rud comix IVlkM Art S240PW iKf smgie Uvge Tfia crvoace is yours tms 2-storey wmmm. nm e'a l.crf bit. cf i how.lai' vwl oor nwiktvneit. Uniove ttrp trig, refurb kitHnras.

bathrm dus irywwi IW" rmmpr mod Mtowrgigwi SK4 CTIICTpptN TIL I jr. wkwi I. MIQ07Z cottage witfi priv grdn and trees. Adiac to Too'afc m. walk to bus tram.

Staola go tlaTfBete MAUV. SPCClaU Absotwtay geeathtakin 1Mb 4 home with out si a lading form, form enlarlaiM arAai. Filali. bbmS, solar hid pool 73 tdwu sit aiv busn set ting. Cli toTintern.

Full can ror tniringr oatges ana eiiiajci 6 KSXSIS ieju. Enin ftivr VANil? Sf. 1140 PW or a bm iv srag RtNGWOOO AREA Ma. 4 tmmn gvaiiaDrt. RtNGWOOO NTH Si 80 3 or horn, ducted rieal 1 acr OFFKB OPEN SAT 9-12 30 R1NGWOCND RINGWOMI INSPECT SAt 11.30-12 NOON 3 bedrm BV with spac lounge, sep eufirin, jg, caiwyii, arvpri 1 2BMaroon siaspw rBedrm and coo ick home with cooking, only 5 YO, II 731 w4Hm- Ringwood PIMCWWHTnTh' IV.

LU IMiaiw, AiKiwa mge. mitncmean, oas ntg. carpet, ohone. loe block. quwi ara rfosefo schbors, shops.

ficenent a oeorm nome. gas rigai 949 Whitehprs Rd. BOX HILL 3 bedrm. horn, loads of room. Lge 4 BRm-icvel hous set on 1 "rfcfHfKr4INSnm IS McAdam So Crovdon 73 ST orm bv nse, ensuite off kit-family rm, duct heat 11 WINSTON ROAD Large 3 bedrm BV, home.

Ducted i reeling, tarpon nwrrr, FINLAYSON ST BrWtfxaBTiU' aitup 98 Lwr Plenty Rd Rosanna 451 llCalAleNAAra1ti 3 bedrm luayry vKLt, lg roomy, oucieo neai, wu oar CRAWLFY fRT Mod 4 bedrm family ime. LU BTeckburn ft Lockwooi ana L'lnP- J71 tipper, H-berg Rd.lvanhoe new bm ijm nome. ist time offered, ten dine ktl. loe Iruut duct hlg. gd storage, tow mamt iNSPf a tat 7-4 th BIRs.

Inge, dining, gas cpnu. ninoi an amen RCH(BUiirrlo ww rap poo. scnii S160PW ca close schis. shops, tramp. ROWVIUC pmv SuoeroW modn 3 bedrms.

Tami-rm. dVesher. duct heatg, dud air cond, LU garao and mucf more. Be quick. Immi loe I lac 4 bedrm, familyrm, ensuite, living duct heatg, dbd Carport, ROWVILLE AREA 12 30 PW 3 bedrms.

study, famrm, soa, air lAtiS ATMVAfE'SSlTO riir wy imn na BARRY PLANT REAL ESTATE PL ROWVILLf bl ureniiiNLi Lovely 4 BR home in lovely weiiinaion iarn estate, u-w. cue 190-200 Jells Rd.Wheeiers Hill KOWVUlE 5 tjedrmro shoos nd school 5 DW. KYlT bdrm. hse or Furn. i jupw.

v-ise ev SAMMINCMAM Clse evefthirw. aob 22 10 HUTAL AVt immac th'out, Ing, sep dining, mod kit (d'washer). i bedrs ftlRsJ. study, sparkling Bathr S320 pw. i goc fto'd -hse.

at Tir tpu lrAMDftMCielAM 33 Norwood St duct heat. 3 bedrms. dMe inner unii. ci oeacn. mor lunj reod.

PTT33 AFORD. 4 rnm, ur KpWwid. Clean, 3 bdrs. oak facs. A-CV CIS all iarpeTs.

SOUTH, ME LBCM Renov 2 bedrm sgle slorey terrace WraJC TO small rear oardeA. Rirw 787 9306 for inspection. SXWTHMfLKcHMN pw Ooen plan 2 store townhouse 3 pearms rutiy niieo km. uw. triage.

Am rh Tftn nk I I0OTH MECI Unnu. crtw) Sypiy BIRi., lg. Ing. with I'plac.

4nd bak. wnny dining, Igadlight rLEWIRMr-r'Ki BRl. counlrv kitrh urith wrartaiiiooiiisi4; 4 BR. Bungalow. F.mllyrm Gar- SbB2Sa9 IOUTHT.

CUNNINGHAM ST ItM il "rnoT iwni pi nome ana you're ilmml ther Irlui irv.ZZl kvlng at, cowl yard OSp ttvt anar afaV I aVSJ Prwd" evr- iriaAni Enchanting reno y'd VkI i 0lf? 4iM prRsentalton. 2 I with BRv. lounge look CXPs. period Teats, decor, mod bathrm. kite 'looks leafy i8 51 storey tuny renovated vk prxa lerrac MP formal dmingrm Sensational locn.

2 BR town ho win gana prcipoTiiorn. piui Pool and dbl carport. Ideal ana enierieimnt: Oft I JftKliSloof.f iwnstairs: flat -or lg fUTrVARlIA 2BR Vic co aoe. cl. Chaoe Renov 2BR cottage, new Laros venor at ARMSTRONG ft CH.

'a 444 G'huntly Rd. fwick 523 043! BOOTH VARRA ITsopW 2 storey town rerdcpmp1. renov icnna uturmj. i lamny ami V. SOI High num witn 2 bedrms.

mod. Bathrm. ex-ceH. kit ar-a a prettv rear oartirn garrlHi efW MV. www man a i.

Armajiai MUrl terrace: inner city style ml A 1217 Hi3h St Armada ie 822 6.946 BQUTH YARRA LEOPOLD ST we. Njpib "afi 2 RR br coitage. spac hv. areas, set dimna. hta.

FA roomfolV; SOUTH YARRA 5 rooms plus W. Avail, from 1st Mjr. Insp Sal-Sun 2-4pm. Rd- Ph: 827 6839 SOUTH YAhRA 2 Bfi. newspa or by appointment 827 67 MOOW YArSe ourd vAnwrsi m.

IMKIBVALl JUST ST areiiu'iiiwi unmn. lemiiy nome situated close to Soringvakt Rd. noi GOLKWORTHY NICHOL! 473 Dandenong Rd. E. Mal m.

and AM. IWnNWALl 3oPW llujC iu awvy- aricK nome wim many teats ft? comp PI fRMCVSU. '(S5 tSicIm Crl Frfin Paint, 3 Brdrmi, WEjtfsM'S'i iyn imuk iTiirnj iiitjuutiru tpnire, vwrmwia iy tre modiitM end i opran wo. vamoerweii BY KH.OA Large lam home. 3 bedrms (BIRs), Inge, sep.

din, kitmeals, bathrm. SOUTH YARRA artaJW 1 U70 RETURN IN SOUTH 7ARRA IMPOSSIBLE? NO IT'S NOTI MST LOCATION IN MCLtOUKNt tVWMS, mautiw ton sound MAltSTAniHVTSTMtMT 53 MILLS WYN ST SHOWING fl GENUINE 10 RETURN fltSO PEBJECT fOR 'HIVE-IN OWNERS BRILLIANT EUROPEAN STYIE ONE BEDROOM STRATA APARTMENTS From $129,000 Off STRUT PARKING MILLS WVN A CLASS AKVITHt REST MSffCT SAT SUN nrirtKSiejItniTclHBS iw Mrfettt oi mi, in in ml PER WEEK $280 $550 $325 SATURDAY 9-5 wriyroj awwvi pooi. 'ciENSf fi2miD Newly renov. cottage, pnv flatowdl4 criyvd. myir Enpirir) Slyto 2 Storey BR towrr Recj' Cd? iff P2- nufrr at i ota enieria'rwng area leaoirn onto prtv.

sunny courtyard with BBQ, Ige ndrv. LU oaraoe. Cl. ihoai and IM7. Rr 1W7 laifiro 1 IrMtSt St.

pm rms ring araa right MIJUBJ IUUPW. IQ51 146 pW tlCA SW Idw. Como: sepi rrieMs, jaa) bathrm. r-fly' IrULMf TA52iS Itee tocn 2RR family home, sep in rm si sin nil mim New 2 BR Town House features UJe. pmaUw trcentr ai i fTroprak lOograkeTOoo tacafl.

ttCnricma. Inge, 3 BR Edwdn style of aoaw. with tmui HI. MAiVRNTA5T i1 TpW Haceniiy painieo, pr one of pair, 114114. Cond.

SratS try WousaV2 R. RUU.VERN EAST Charming rei lamiiyrrn. OUCT hte. bun Ret: ngalow, LU PW 2 bedrm otter si i older style, fr freshly patnt- iransoon. 47 St.tKM, M.IMT.

f(m maivern u- a STHADONT large rooms, eloia oiarfiwc MALVKRN IASTCHADSTI bond ri MALVfl 0lh.rsl IVKtA ietn TOT; MELBOURNE STUDIO Self-contained 3000 All facils One floor Tell. Ph: 602 4071. MELTON 3 levels. 4 BRs, ensuite, alarm syst.

duct atr cool, vbids. uoita mi Over 60sars eiec home. marble OFP and ceiling roses, conservatory overlooking pool and spa. rooms of ample rvtieie appliances, Diiiiera room cellar ate. 2 plus LU garages.

Cioi proa to private schools, beach ar Soac I bedrm brick rsd. huge vara, inge, di aamessludy rm, 2 tu DFIW inT3T MXNT0NI OEftWfNT 5T 4tm nome teats sep lounge and IVM garage, pooi H.C. COSTELLO PTY LTD RFIV 'ifeeentlv refurtMhed. 3 brini ietemiy rerurpiviea. a pr air cona, easnig ana cpoKing.

ieo 120 BaKomtie Rd. Mentong I laWiiTfiaa unwiu eltenham uraiT 3 bedrms. mod unit, kit-meals area, woe rnge. private couriyarg, dble tmV garage. moa cons.

HOUSE MITCH AM $180 PW 4 bedrms, Ir rm. adi rui Kit. iam- BAfffiV PLAM1 214 Mttcham ff ip i rain. Mitoham MT CT rshlv nami pos'n. Lge lounge and ft FIRST NikTiO hltehprse.

Rd, BALV MTCHAM S160PW iarpeBf fflio MTCHAM 2 bwlrtn. kn. MTTCHAMT BThomr W. Inr. I ducted ntg, A.

ur crking, to snooi. tram Ills m. B01 5c; MOMT AiUKT UcSSPw BV home. 3 br. Inae.

tep dimn garage. 2 mms stn. cl Dark, shoos. MMT AIUrT 3T'ed7m-BV S2bpw. Ring owner 802 4608 Me4TMMIN7Y 1 1 TT tsi interior norm hv uitl htg.

ar cp. Carport. Oose inwniiiri. j3 iuju. HOHTMORTMCV BO CENtURV 2f DlAMONO PL fcHOft St.

4j) Freestanding 2 Ige BR's, renov pamcm. uoaated Kit. Ut. stov. Immac presentation.

Short. Wit KBcrfsSN-W ltd! mi (. wq. Kssenao Rd 370 A22 MMNR ONDi Suoer bedrm fuMy renov home In Ji reyaemiai location, dbie penod home with dbie oaraoe. DONU PONOt ArMHoo 51.

36(1 VB twit. I twltirms, 7 totts. SoirJNoViM bearms. Um. students welcome.

SI 30 wkly. Pti; 375 2648. MCTOeeZI PONDS. 3 Ige BRs. Inge, dimng.

fresh Mint, new carps, be cnougn room ror a matcn in me backyd with soectators views from 90 Ormand Road. Elwnnd Large "ibednr, BV in qt TV frteNTlEIOH sec Inge. cnn. gas fl 3 BR 3 yr old strata home, Inge-dming, kttch. meals, ducted htng, Lockwood553 1822 MORABaWNTlbrm bri'rve cTs to public trsot and sh I 40 PW.

Ph jntltm. B0ABl WTeoVm v.lla im. c-Mtuares. vroie to sianort. Lonj lease.

S190PW. Phone S-jdW MOCWOOUMK 4 BR res, swim IOC AND olSTRIcT I SU, PW ci an iacus. ASPCN0ALE t1 As new large 3 BR villa, cons, LU garage, yard. 3. Milt SM Main SI, MdA.NAU.6C thtt Cntr.

UAAMAtlrV Mac tworm WW, MP An. A iM.Mml A4 M7IUI MaHIWICTaH Marm. witn lg. cludrd gardm. fully furn.

short MT DANMIdONO bupero. executive B.v, aj bedrm I nome, on i.iro acres, mi now on 13 mHH but cari 6T ttaftiti Eierutrve ttvle Old Fnotitfl Storey home, 4 dbl beorms plus Jwniiy u. mK rm artu ving. iu pooi, lennrs cri 47 1. WW.

Ml EbU rvllws. 0tl b.atil jci.u. luaurv. Frankston rg PlummaW Awe. eranbtlf 79A9 IfltRl MT Iin.

2 BR. 1J0W. 4, St. Ff.thl, oa.ntMl. B44 1 MT MACIMW imall 1 fc ir" PV PW.

Mr. KIM 3 Tl'l tmmet Coe Cod 2 it iMmgje, om. nostt iree.j Sd 1Kb 1M Cl Morhialloc S0 10JJ MTILITA Attract BR houses SI 701 190 pw Near Dermva School comfortabii JW and study, dble crporl, heap MtUIt4Va estate IrfT TttfS-5TH ITIANtS Soac. 4 BP rn 4 car 7V 4 BR k't. esanlad te si rounds, feaftrSaTvtilcff KIW IJ 111 upll.K.

mmM. Milh prtv. KfW IIM fwl Bw 1 iOCL'ssaryi1, Mwnga, smaN fronl ana rear gar-! uan, car space, soma lurmiura- HIW 171ft Modern bedrm va. one of KIW tISS PW OdJRCMHJ. bedrm unit, one of ,4.

otters lin -ir, ISO Conum Rd. N.f17 4K KIW 2175 MOyCHAM ST 3 BR tn Quality fitttngs nrout, Tasmania Urnrx kit. and imrm. eniwie mm, Durguiar aniranct. wra KCW Modern dble-storey lotft level 4 BR nouw prumineni rvrw locaiicn, mopern iniures ana mil Ihr out.

soac fmmacu IS i presented 1 twlrmi Plus Study and I bu naalo ru mpu rm. ac. Kiicn. batfirm. laa lounge' ana an.

nVSPCC TOOXV Tl.45-12 KtW ACCOMMfXlATSON MR' 5 bedrm s. 3 living, rms, huge brand jge rwna i lUMurv iu swimming pool. CONNfi Superb 3br 2 stonty townhousa, large roungedirring opening to erb 3br 2 stonty tt oamrms, one caroort ana lAV Pis one suo AL CORPORATE EAMiLV RE ual. 2 slry Georgian style house I thin prime are. Solenoid enter-' taming with 4lrg bedrm s.

Features (re iprammtnii, air cpno iig, wiHarcirumpusrm, 'mkler systems, LU garat RuniR IMl 1 INT. 17 BRADFORD AVf 1245 P' iAT l.0O12.15 tun rang Edwardian style 3 I noma, mod kit and balhrm. huge rooms, lovely garden surrounds, NATIONAL irrvii ROCKINGHAM ST ioac -storey a BR 1 garden setting. Feat: mal living and dimna areas, J5 ooriK mo. sou in um Tar 2PM urrrii unn iill vpv PAKtNCTON ST 119SPW npr fnna' ur vi a bedrms.

lounge with Ige kit, rear gard sunrm, KIW aiTSX.Tftft Mi Laraa 4 BR oenodi home. Coi large lounge, heating, kitchmeals, bthrm, WTftgKjrn OSP-393 Ramdowne5t7clrt.34y 1 755 ciw fLmcv aiK verr presiigipus a siorey uniurn, 1341 Burke Rd. Kew 817 13371 NCGI iO DehghttuT home with i BRs and study. Ige lamilyrm, soac. Inge.

Wl 'ESui WC 'EBER Wfiilirhnrui Ort rnnenorsc ta4 iaNSon Long Lease, 4 bedrm 2 storey ntng. family, study, kit. I facds. J'i-Tounded by lovely ffiXMT'i KIW-ASTit TrWETNr5SpftlVe iuvat i i.uo-ii.ut 2 BR brick house plus sludvsui room BIRS. lounge, sep dining.

IfW cngtisn si vie storei nome, sunny garoen position vouievaro. e-cei cona Ihr out gnyr, I ftcaptnrm 5rs oacious stm nome. ingerm. ki wrw- iTfitr-p Avail 139! ac bright fresnli Minted 38R BV. cl trj 5centre St Mow scnoois, BS3 064 Eet reiid, come: 4 bdrms.

FES, in amrna. ana lamaiv rmi wim irrw garage, hii moo cons. 3l on 1 acre ol landscaped garden. 12 ficell 3 bedrm BV, Ige Mt. ouw KITHOaOUOM 5 cn plus enclosed yard, enfertamm Cts La robe Um.

3 bedrm home. nverriaie Mn eaaiaitrmn Lirji Brick house 7 Kit fBlRtl Inur 699 HI(J, St. Thornhur 4tA4laa Liean 1W BV nome with carps. win. i i enu ge'ewe.

an, rut hta and oaraoe. arnel Ini-n et "For alt enaulnes. 26f Htoh Si inomastov 465 2133 TT40PW INSPECT SAT 10 AM- 3 bedrm BV home with LU garage, IKrW 5C BW PHONE: 465 7QQ1 38 KCLAWNf DftIVS i peorm by in Ki- wtm carpori ind shed. Bond, and rels read. schit.

Newly painted. No pets. 466 LALOR 3 bedrm 8V car port, close, shpoj ft schools. public transo, S140pw, 46S9W0 tVT0jN.T( yr old B). 4 bedrml with BIRs.

ensmte. cath. ceiling lounge, gas garden shed, lectors, securitv screen front plus, bond and rels" 5 "Obi ULYDALC AREA 1QR lounge, kit. all facils. U.VDALE.

anuite. ItSpW tOWfRINTV Executive stvle 4 bovm home sat i large for-i 3 entertain-1 botanical acre includes meif iraormei iivma ana irea. study, eetlarstorage rm. RC heating and eoo'mg, security and intercom system. MoodM svn- 43J ll) 20 MARCUSRQ lK 7QU lurrouTTBS, moi 'AUT WALKER FIRST NATIONAL -niienorve WitN HAtTltcW fUOFW POiie' bedrm home, location.

Suit coi IAMCS HCMON coupw TI4 lo, ,.,,11, PIO, W01 MACUOTTuHt Tim 4 Ittw WILL MAINTAINED 4 brm un- MALVtml AIICI ST tVOLWUelN HltJ II Meal bre-k. 1 aI a Lnuna. inov'd vU unit Compr bdr 2-odr wa unit compr: Ige ef in. wow, satfi ''nrnJ- fail arvfei i aaara a whip eiec accom loeai ror 3 jeriaewrm, werurg "1 ares UVW ML I'lMW, 1 Mr I il. aairreu 3uu 5SST IDE a 1.

tcy''. RST ATKmAL i mr oui vnn ueieini, rorme ti Pw Ciavvi and comiortaolg 3 BRfiome 4iri umc mvmg areas, east waBtj vm 4tb jtatson. Pi 1 BR home gib nvaMrrfi. 2 BaBsnest, gga, 4i nm fuai, 3 W'eylt. ac fas dted heat.

tJbk gge. Trl kvl 41 br's farnHv home RM.MM CMtral, foetal 4 nom. comp; loung. ckmng mdd III iwiieewjis rva 7 vears vounei esHW auabiy fialurasjand ft tings, dble Wf, rfewad gadena, avail HANNAN METHVEN HANNAN METHVEN aiavnerwna mq. Ml.

e-uuro waverwy MT 1 famil I AR AC Tift STYLE Red Clinker family home, old-wortd garden AVIRUV 235 PW ktyle 3 or 4 bedrm ipwnhse ioi iur) iimoer mi, en- 313 Stephensons MT WAVERLEY s-arge oe ducftd hta. Gas milium lerMgrwftj pns. siuuy area, enswl. duel moon I'lRT-cwyji r.TVwaa Suite 2. 63 Kinaiwav Clen WaM spec a nse, coni Immac 4 bedrm horn els park.

140 Uninn MTWAVfRIV on, gas ni dw. Ph HT-WAWiiuy SN PV It Sootlesi 3 bedrm home. fnge, dinmg, kit -family a um, "Ui new win, '4' Stni iooU V. Avail now. Compr: ga: i.

Neat and clear garage. WAVE RLE REAL ESTATE PA PINEWOOO SHOPPING SQUARE Blackburn Mi Weverlay fnnA till brand new unit 14j iM6act" T'irDVMsB5 Bg oui dBl. garmito 116 Polite Rd. Nth Sonnavale MOLCRAVl 3f65w ind (Tomf or I umiiy home with study. reeis ige li shaped Ingedirung.

kil. i ajWaWf 282 Sler.hamgn Mt. Wav. oainteq. Very Park DMe hrk plus carport.

Htg. i now. SI 65 pw. I uucai Well presented 3 bedrm home ol-l renng inge wii pius meai nck llrtienrfrnlrui. HuoaI lemiiyTrn, ton tuppoaros, garage, Vos'ffiS tfiilKFATE PL Fully renovated 3 bedrm, Inga, kit ESTATE 543 7411 AM 17 nd MUIGRTAVI Bv 3 oeorm, ouciea mng, alarm 294 Wav.

MXACRAVT fTsTFW Dean oeorm ev, sainrm ana eniuile. ui heater. TO fatirarclos transpt, strojschti. so; uoo1 MLR. GILA VT 6R.

Spec Tr7rrmQ. pw yao MULGfTAi Academy Ai BdUeMCVaT I.eaTBiamTr'l MURRUMBCENA jw noma ouiei street compr MXJRRUMiUKA 1 CtOHCl 5T L0eiy A rMronir nom. fertrTratB-ppWSsKWALs 191 Blackburn Rd. Mt. Wanerlef M0RiivWl dimriorm, ww cerot, LU gge.

JlTo bedrms," ln SOIlELr, 1tbt7ti5jlLES uur warrim NofSTiTyr iguv, m'hm, tutt norws Andor wariouM wim cool NAWVtnUtM''hfrt' Lg. ml houM with lolar lwaFl? pool. S.1 garden, MIWPORT btdSClngt ilc fa Avail now PauTne .22. TdR.LEA5 Enou're Today for properties avauabi end of Faoruanr NORTHCOTE a William St INSPECT Tno AY 1 ft; Aba William St AY 11-11. T5 AM Mod Br Villa offering open tiv-l thr'u'oyt.

LU oar. A mwSt 395 High St. Northcote89 6622 1BR home teal. LU one. hlo and character.

Inspect wiW delight. wign i. norincoie aa Ub 3 3 ITHCOTC i ac am ArrvaKiri i 2 bedrm houie one of quiet Cfiurl near goii course. Very DAVIES PRINGLE PL 3 "ilinuv PXU, Attrac 2 br VkI terr. tft'd tames- ic ipcn.

leais w-w carps, pihs. n. feats w-w carps. BlRi 'sTTr" JWltItV iing. 703 MONTHCi VAE aa.

HII I HANDY Hi UGH Soarmuf. mnd rn room (3 bedrm home, duel gas htg. id. mi tnea Fttirov djVty Vrt fnd rVT "mee. ntjmee's.

-ac kitmeals, sunrm, yard. Gas itove. HWS rae. Lge iciTli-wW'Ta-rrJ I r'onii painieo nenay ciiv PUS. JBut1.

jsyn. I-P IM, nWI oCKTn noui maf rage ana Close to u. StLIlfi TMORNBXJR SS: tew r.bed'm. New Lurous 9 2-stre VWTyiTWTlfl mt WAvtmiy n. tocn, ci rni 'Pww.

aiingarej n.w.s. sec wrwnttfY'u roii5i; br-ck. appro SO soc ho use. S275 ari7 7t4A tocatKn. 807 SQ'.

Klf.1. PW gas nig. Kitcnen m.L. BAMIUM Bj JLU PL prtiv 262 Steprveawns Rd. Mt Wav BU 7 Ml I NWDRBi 3 BR.

horn ell schfs.l rSifarSi! JlJQow. Avail now. Larae lot. I E. A high ST NOPTwYoyV1 HMTIKBTI I liACW oil.

Ar.Asroiou rmftlEBTlr St. City views, eMv potn. agry IWTIKn.BirS--In tr Pod WOfW "'1 mpint ma. llliniri VfV SOT 0333 3S Canker bnctt Km snny WW trend new Icy1 SCOTT Fentestl i cent Ma. coyrtvrd iHblfif ITln.

PWV Attract H0fv 3 bedrm wit aiv urwn turtmjfwK m. wastter nyj WW Carpel, fresh- S. trOIl Of A BrGGIN a. SCOTT 521 Toorak Rd, Toorak 827J666 Attract. a schools, moot end trans.

i am room, inn. we O'n, I2 High ArmaOai QUN WM1TTTN" STHJQ pw1 LArgojTjW oiLnsit 1 dmmorm. lge kit. tlR'f. study.

1117 Toorak Rd. CamOerwell mft itbopw: or 3 BR plus Inge and MO wrung. JHLtT a I BH SIMJPW, ENROY ftp 3BR. flSOPW WAIGAN ST 2BR AQSTQNE ST 2BR luOPW! 'rfjUhwf d. Id.

Glenrov rertovated brie ramtiy nome, mm, iar dole uriflf. carport. os to an amenities, oood Itu. available now. Phon 337 464 for Cm Lara.

3 1. BV hous freshly mi. fiOMiav of bi? Inge. Spec Of fmry noma Of La (Mock. Quiet tt.

close to shops' and KM. S130DW. 5 Rowan Qoen lor inspection 10am-Ipmi 5jt. otherwise ring 359 4629 CUHROV 3br7 (wily 'rno. all 4mMiri now HSfrpw SJ25.

AshwoodT2 bed plus Study, IJSa Immac VtSk .5 duel naat. con. dbk oo 'armont S. 3 bad. see dina.

S260. Vernon I Sfh. 6 ttrw luUnw ailrji Walk anlf S3Q0 25 ib 4 am. wwmi mis ram 1155.

Ml. Wav. I to 2 bad. flta. FIX Walk rW 3 bad.

11 rvv wasn. Good cond. O. tlaylon Wi. Mod 2 ba $1757 Varmoni nai OvAtfd wt.

Raar unit. 1210T Ml. Wav, Lua 3 bad. tf ductad haat Gga. Waliriai Oil tea also opan Sun 1-5.

smiNCWMt GUNVMVtnu 1350 PW. As new 4 BR storey, cathedral cli. sap rumooi. uu bath. dba LUC, S235 PW.

Eiicatt 4BR. full gas ducted hig. cals. OMa LU AC. catnadral S22S PW.

ARRV PLANT Rfi 261 Sprinavakt B03 0430 Refurbished 3 BR home cc Ingedtmng, timber kit (DW), immac i oh noma qunrt ci compr Ingedin, (ufl an suite, CLEN WAVERLtV PW (cat 4 BR farmnr noma with ounga. atmng, mien, rumpus. Immac 4 BR BV familv ho with new hostass kitchen, central iiwia eKi uoubw garage. ABA" Claan soac and surprtsmoly large tfir? Back's' 214 PaJkburn Rd.Mt oiirwi AVIRLI 3WJMMII 3 BR BR plus study noma, avarytrnng eouip kit. Also li ifl 'Or a tamHy.

lylly lamHy. dimng and dbl remote contrail jlanfarr Rd. Malvefn urn-Tun. ufi i P. 7nn Central Close to me wood oflerifta 4 bedrmt, Inge, iao.

tamilyrm, an 'TIS 3 bedrm BV. gas dwctad htng. air fcwnmwys d. Ml. W.

Naat 3 bedim (am home d. to vchl. transo Brandon Park shop- CltH WAVtltUV Jtlfifw FresMv Pntd bedrm BV. Inge kn. banVm.

WW carps, garaga. ALSOspotlau 4 bedrm IVLnge 3' Stephansom Rd. Mi Wawav cl*tWAVTRLrr Modem 3 bedrm red. with study. Peats: jng and sao dimng.

famv hrrm. ba area, dueled htno. 2 493Tkfffce Rd. Cam wall 822 69 3d I VI II 1195 Pw AWONOA CRT gurat wci ducted hti Split It 3 BR noma feat Inge-dming, kit-meals, duct ntfl and waruum. dbl Dort etlma Kings way Wf WAVWllV $li5 I PI tot.

bedrmi dinm. new kit huga sunrm. Mod 8ft home, tga famflrrrn. Obie Jbr irwrna'' wrfrt te A ttMlr Ayt! nowj Luii 4 BR home, ens, DwT dMe Wa. osanca 10 aM feeiisTsmms.

BW Kurf wo i ncio'ia tit rwi fc on of palf ttunfM, Vend nw kit. TM BMvj cu MV a 96 vnr. Otfl. 1 Chaiwtma earn to new: of dvP-Ed pair, fomp: seo Inoe. gakby sTrle kit.

oas ntg. sev bafhrrti, shared, laundry mm oeorm. mgarm, ww carp) to.Efrve,fr6B7. 2 '6 papi St. Prahran cHOMLEt 5T rrwy aVJll W1 back- vp.

i.ios an ameniiies. sw. Inspect Sat pm. am Utttvu ikyf 75 PW. duple 2 BR period i-i i.w am.

pi Immaculate I storey family home with all the character of the ine 3U, large living areas. 4 bedrooms plu i oainrooms ana mooeri conveniences including heatina. dithwather aiu ccinlortable home with landscaped PRi L.AHLISLE SI S13S PI rennv ESmft'cgrcSr. sun cpupie wantino that Htllet tut more iUdpKUWK34w-. S'V2TC 1B' uy'n sikkci Lg 3BR house, compr heated Inge seo dirwnu, lovefy kit and meals area, ww carps ana rooes, sec bund.

OSP. tn KCtl central locn, Smyth p.l. 260 Smith St Cood 479 551 'RES TON AND DISTIUC 770 High St. Thornbury 480 2288 Ti fIS tl-mi ST ticnc PW 2BR Period home, lounae, fotr LARaUntHAEI lAEL'A WEBER 819 48 541 Glenlerri Rg. Hawthorn unarming cawaroian nome in MeITOM cJi'ATOWWTT i pac a oeorm nome in prina co mo: aai ntr.

cooner. dip no: gas htr, cooker. MWVnISI Hion Thornhur 770 High Thornbury480 2288 PflESTI Brick I "9V puV hse with gge, clean ft freshly SbS'IIM Uund. raf. li nig.

new fences, new fe PRESTON pen: hous. lno.kTtoathrm. kVKpbF Hf. ij tonnsion yi. iizroy MEftTMJ Neat 2 kitchen.

bedrm home, lounoe. mod HKtHVUIN BtB2 Sution Si Fairfield 469 0S55 CfTON 0AK0VEP7IW BPy spa, fC9L Suit grol. No, Pets. Avail early Ih: 432 ilr 5aney Rd. Coburg.

383 1211 an 3BR, 'arge garage and ciew 3BH, garage ar drw.warlrictTv no (ston re LEASTS 395 Hioh St. Ncrtlwrole4R9 667 TEBTON. i bedrms: GaraToiT mms Preston Market. 150 pw elVt Pets. Othersl 654 278 SELECT WEfTOw rfWarMret Grove TSPi Inge, Kil sunroom.

gar. 47Q 31S1 WUkVOf 3 Bft VTvome in IooU order. WWC. gas frits. luGTCu, ii i eaci BW.

LUG. pool. CH-to ARcATSaK5a7, 776C Broadwav. R.uvrawr tPfriAt RT. RtiCiWOif TL5BV 5T Ideal 3 BR home in sought after Heservoir carp 'JSaV' .460 88 NT Jf )ual front 3BR brick home, side 386 5741 tia TilVi RINGfl Larg 3 Bfl 387 141 1 Inge DANIELS ft CO.

Thornburv 416 9144 U5 pw REBIRVI inrrn, dbl Airage. lirgi garden. John on 460 4216 illlRVoM 4 brm nous, yar EEORVAW 11 Crtspe Street Inspect 9am-2pm. 2 brs, gge. AC WfWi 17BW7a, IIKIMUIW 14 PURHI HOUSE Of iiAM ST, 290PW yr- in, uat.

oedrms. AppOintri rOTTwrrg. nnvea Boar omy. OPPIN ST S165PW Hder stvle 2 bedrm rotiao. uth 29 DOVER ST S165PW warn.

renovaieo cot lag, tlmeal and courtyard, UTT ST S150PW arm home, futtv rameted bvm peveo reel courrye. Richmond Tra tea Open plan 3 bedrn modem amenities, irm home with at) ROSENBERG WYSHAM 429 45i w4T Wichrfignd, TrSSW 3BR brk. e. wi epuw 3 BR brk. Terrac with spkl toe rooms.

LU garage DUKE ST Iikn JCiiemTui vue. ironiea 7 BR Cot-1 Gas cook. 148 Wtmngton Pd. E. uni bhi i mt aktoh new nome with front and rear courjyrd.

Spac nunge, ommgrm, kit. 2 bedrms, bamrrrk shwr rec, jundry, 2 toilets. Car accom. 1212 pw 35 ROSE ST ARMAOAUE karcrtui re ncnov a (f-ocr, Tumi mmerri Pw itmej private 2 bedrm plus "15? "ltt I2I.245S V. fffrtran I plus ll good co dhu ilnrA.

Get, Spac lying. R'MONI JOOow. 72 Bridoe Rd. Rirhrvinnd 474 Ql 77 iirniMrie.l iWrm aitunnino arcrtitect de toned brk. Villa leitiirmg XBRv north facing jxmwrt 8iv nvta rfailt master emote, 2nd BR a Damrm, sep lamitvrm.

aroets, new kil, ua at warn oners: aacefl ttrdtVm, loae Itfif fftl k'lti egurjr SSj11' 'wfttfw'rw comer; anf" full, toe IngedHirrtgrm. tip kit witn dVatKtr. many eilras, fMattVw, aK AHRAN, S175PW. 2 1 Trise7 el to Alfred HosoltaL very clean1 Insc today lOanviprri. rMSTOW WST mget mi ass to ormt, cgrp.

naw 571 B70B. i rn ana iransoori HOLLANO A 3 (BIRs? kit with meals area. WW oaraoe AH 46 PETER. 699 High St MUV- I hr RV CHESTNUT 5T SHisfa' RKHMOteTJ Enetiai separ i' wiOMKatWicnmona A 2 1'-l Cnurcn SI. RKnmond Tt SJojnm trTBRriXr) yoria towfeSouse Id BR BV, w'lh erMotl I' I Drm SI comn Sscn.

tu cono.1 f'VS and iw iHTWVlwtl? klt-danina. m. juii rsKLu louee ii.rooms etc. rabutous Aeland and CaTivleYt. -fd.

fit mina. or proi.r Posn. Krghl Pi eitivnej fs CARLI! ailirm'i sented bed 1 i edw home offer- ear halhrm mrl lai A laiKUl 1X1 upait to crtyd. a. ig laiwiprm au kit Gnaw-dener SkMiWftavt VkIou Awe ALBERT P.

gT KM.PA fSPW Larae 4 liedrm Knaita, tTlnu In transo and shqbs.Targe inge. gas at, atr cona, tit wim gas laciu (TlVD4 LEG Pn- rit 0A0Ariv.rf' ail lie l25ft44A Jeayjmsu Inge and I hlo. lee message housilTS, T.KfLOA, t1 ai iVlvMn). rt tranfjw-nrtytlvwiaiHiei 1 1 1Q pyt-. ArirveAcn ajuHntnAM pi ltv bw aiaMon, Piac, Mtwmi ON STSM 'W Jupajfb tam re! tpmpr: s.

nsuite. ktlchen-meal single LU gge. low majmenanci 4BB Swh.tehor fld. Surrey Tlrtl: us. i no iienance OPEN a5 AM weii loca resioi J.1.

1 Buke Rd. Kaw 817 1337, NCG Fab. 3-f oedrm family home. Ige living area. Of P.

central hta. Iran- mKtTitUiL l22Bw Irartive MR rinme In annd tng Of mod kitchen, bathrn IVFV A 7 AMPANV PTV I 1 f95 Tl 95 Throuoh Rd. B'Wd. 830 13: mWYJatJLI OPEN TODAY BRs. lounoe.

sea. dinlna. rr fpt? hsulI Iftopw! 2 Rd. Balwyr 60P loun; Mt DM timrwr nom. loungr, fRrVUBlfl ftfn 00 evn oom i 1 1 Syoerb 3 bedrm fed.

horn, arnple pe 79 The Mall 5th tijRBiivntakrr 500 Siation St. Bo. Hill 890 1221 rcoMA tiqhazElvAlcrc plus duct hta, garage. plu 'w'fl'ilgfpW50" tt Cha'i winciMiryiugyr Mod 2 BR hug Nvmg areas LU gv SERPELL5 RD YRrtW 3 bedrms. kitchen familyrm Inge SaHuiv ni'irwiii wrr, inmii vuur at re, garoener iriciuoea AUSTRIAN INFLUENCE S500PW IG poolspa sauna, 1 acr garden 'KLAiDFIELO REAL ESTATE 45 Anoerspn SI Temples tow TTMrH.IVYTTbwtrt- MODT TTBUI Ux.

In aww4 SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSE. bedrms, jge ntert. 4reas. dole oarage, EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE on wtm pool and tennis crt. $650 pw.

WERNER-MARTIN 2AHN P.L. in rviaceaon no, iwi lemi liOat? iMMArl? HB48 TTMPLEtTOWaT" SERPEUS RO S350PW acre AUSTRIAN INFLUENCE SSOOow oeorm iii pooi soa sauna mm mous living area 1 acr garder Iriclifded LANDFIELO REAL E5TATF 45 ASdOT iwilCTW" nMLPUSTOWI OdNCASTlft LANDLORDS! duct htg and dbl car accom. KKn. Long term lease avan "75 Tel: SO RM KOfl fWJj impressive a rm lam nome, rresniy "aft ffinuWrt cVfaro" TIliaeHtfAWf- Soac and clean 3 bedrm home ml HnTUrV 2TsHLW'i 22 Newmans Rd. TeiTiplostpwe -V0? 3.M BV horn.

Avail now nMWlT6Wrpedrm, eaVcu-1 uw iruiir, wim igneg living areas. TrMmifYOwTThl dbl cort ttyjPW 439 1 IIWMAS TOWN 5THEI irvapei-l ai iu-fat 3 BR BV home. LU 'J- v' 3. Jmens. rorwASTOWN 3 oedrm BV home iiuipmi 1 Mnn 3 dm noma to all facils.

Ph 434 fir. 77. lamny home. trrt Iwtrrn Freshly painted 3br In opod cond. 2br home with kits o.

appeal, loe bay window, exposed fV boards. to9l2? lrKMI carps. ig. kit. area with gas appls.

203 JrtoSn St. Nrcote 488777 rweipeaHjytT B'cK hous 3 fge side drive and garage. 1. ci ouo TOORAK 9 WOORIGOLEEN RD 3600 PW amen chock. Luaury urni, utt: enieriainirrg.

area, SlUOV, secty. Air cond. central heatg. 2 UC carports with remote control. RUCE ST S450PW Dwllhauil.

3 hedrm. tnarmn entertaining area, den, 2 bathrms. iitnutniB, urn, oainrms, soa bath, e-cell kitchen, air cond, 'iff fives VaU usrrs. tea ParttCompi oorak Village and Come irkComprts Sep dining and Inge, iniormal livmg areas. Large bedroom wttn ensuit and 'grmel livmg areas.

Urge master ran in car remote lulian Robinson 8. avn HI 3 Malvern Rd Toorak. IVC ACCCMMGTION 5uprb a Slunmng views ol river, 4 bedri bathrms. gourmet kil. form and Informal Ifvina owerloniilrsii rtirtur, sque garden, full security, 161 P4kStBthMltwrfw plrghitul 2 ttor Vlclorian Attractive I bedrm I full af 1 men, oamroomi VW fflrlMTI Mlm.

7 LatHwi-tPP. 2 If Bvfc arws, iWr kilch. J'n Vden and 10 gareg. JOOO BRTHCRS Kit. loung.

sep njna. dbte garage we urgently require a 3 to 4 bedrm horn by tle 3rd of March kBlUVfe'fc 22 Nwmar Rd Tmplstowe Bw gareg fAs TLESSyLL jLX5 CCCX PTYtrgJ nJWINIFREO CRESCENT Lrg 3 bedroom centrally heated Caster with bakony and WIRs. rge trige and lormaf dining, miod-rn kitIamily rm. incFLU garage nd pleasan, garden surrounds. IDEAL.

FOR ENTERTAINING IINSON AVE mwitd ros eaioaiia. aierm ytunmng Corptajmo Srlraswa levl iwm w. 'Ml Into tvm.illcC. mkham it- erb-Kk bom. hi cnuv, kxn Compr 4 lludy.

mocf til. Urg low matnl renov Victn ler- iea loun "T- aia ir T7iincc TTlract VKtonan terrace, 2 St. Renoy rrac. CJ li city. Vic Market, hos proi CpT.

No pelk 12 'Wir Brfc Wed 2-3. 7-43. Sat 2-3 or appoint with owner 328 44' urge eicioruyi oeorm, font ana reer viiayn, lu serese. i mini teas avail, pom ana rei 0llTH-MEUOAJB Large itorev Vic terrace. cond.

BRs. 2 bathrms. kit. dm- W'den- Oove Uni. fiosotlal, CBO.

NORTH ME I i-uuy sTocE, fueen SI HMT)lMlLeailNI Mrior mmaItaimiaq 'llSww INSPEtV WAT jTcKu sD Good spacious 3 BR family house HUNAWi nmac. i oh townrrse. duel tno. b-W. BIR's.

lae lamiTvi annetiy St. lrMwad.nq Wen presented 2BR home with anu cnarm. LOtnpr: inge, dinmgri nd In port. it-meals atl'Vaciis1 ithrm Indry to ana must to inspect. OAK LEIGH S150PW oeorm riornv ga cona out, toungerm.

S.U OAKLEIGH Lovely BV famny home, compr. 3 OAkUHM 156 PW! Soac 2 or 3 horn on generous anoi. nas Msntg, sun- Lois ol natural light. Front eiMj rear gerown. MUe gnie carport.

Inspection a must. SCOTT DF 3-bdr (amity home. Lounge, gas niw, KiimiHii, iMimm, kv geiag. 661 1 MKLIKM SOUTH NOR Exce'tent large 4 bpdrm family home, sep Inge and dmlng, big kit and bathrm, fl RfMTLFir.1 ind hi dte garage. t.vii Ifir.H PTY 5ol c.eni OAKllfG Rd.

Bgniktigti 17 7ROt TDCF pr noue, Id AIR 94S T.G. NEW TON CO VIC) PL 58 A merlon Rd. Qakielgh OAKLEIGH jm-pW Dcarm wb nome on ige treed own. iompr efii na, Kit stove. Storaoe rm al rear.

Walkina ov 'wnmi VIV wi pel AiaiKeNfAsIn1 it Long leas, bond. 3 BR WB home. ep sine, wv carps, mioaie ago rnle rtn dni Torurvw essential. Avail now 544 2217. AKUrGH A selection of 2 and 3 bedroom Portman St.

Oklrgh iwuvurun viean a oeorm no use, SOUTH ARI 5604832 Irom Ban OAKLItGH g)edri 'oom House. 10 am to 5 msoectiqn 1 Bishop Strei treeL firAaTUK s. gas heal- quiet 1 SPW. VSIIIO OaKLCWH STM. tnge seo BAitnHsrci rert tor caring tenants.

71 TTCiVbL? necutiy. 4 rwwVm hnm. nit bushtand. Available i mn lease 754 6111 Bayvr i woai HaTJSH not. Dbie, LU OLINDA 9 large rms.

min'mi, turn or Others! BM0200. SELECT. IIWIVIMV.ULM I Bright 2 bdrm home on compact garden block. Heating and air 1158 Grthuntly AdGlen Huntly QKM4MD II 85 PW Spac. 3 bedrm home, Inga, sep s-Bfit seo otn.

Lrge. 485 Nortli Td. Ormond 57B t2SI JSfAtE villa, wntiti WMONTJTeRT SMI Lge 4 BR family home, 2 bathrmi NTC Lge 4 BR family home. 2 IVrS'ireKS Cheltenham 583 0996. oainrms.

ha man Rd I Mfr4qfi all hr PlkHKBAXI beachside JW' cl to asm "stEr-sr uE5fi court. 4 br. cathedral caHmgs, spilt tovel, OFP. due ted, htg. l-cel tond- Avail from HOT l1' IrL.

IIV tCUIMl What can I say thts stunnjng 4 i vk lerrace nome in ram- will sun me Kost fastidious client. Major teals Chubb sac alarm sysl. fully mamt garden, remote Coni dbtelU taior fi Dim central NtlSON ALCXNoJr 4 T9 I rammukenvngtb? I'flrSPW Cn eaceu. newly, renov. A Oeor ict.

SB resid. fet. huge open; living top oual. gas appliances incl. washer, 9as htg.

new high ltei -tnt a oedrm lounge, kit, fl?" bntARomp ...1140 fW AH BUROTNTJyTT ittttw.wi ir 'wig' wvn S0 wunge ind dtninf. i shed. Compr INSPECT TlbOAY aN. 5C0TT 534 0241 reoamted. vu 3 17 VtCIORI ll ill 2,49 rent mtucmmm parmT lg.

witn dining Vcf terrace, mod oveoo ommerria MAM. O. bedrm. Ige kitch inge wim gat i 7t rnllaea. VreOwv 'sJ-R kit.

seo drn'tg, feunge wwjA'pi, Indry, paved KIPLING IT I1ISPW tfcr. 2 brmt. OPW. plat kng. lhsonSNth.

ion Dalighttully fully 1 IMdrrna. MiliK St. R.DO, VKtn tn 2 LBOURN1 I135p rfnov iresn painted Vic In resia. tw, wunge. otnina.

ww i pearm nouse, Inoe. dming. toe famifvrm Sl9uow 509 9470 ask for Sue or Anoela. ih. Kr ha7 ai a ta.P 37 305a" PrtPlCTAT 'IT'Ut'l' HhAN biSrrnWl.

BT'ltX irgmpori And Utl flty prcgu. litow wee swfHlwsRA, i Rd K'Varra BAT tier via uiai nut 1 wt I HAMPTM V.ckburn IHAA' 37 PW 'mjly rtsKL of 7 main Jl formal rmi, 3 BR 2 dow cTiooks rear nth fmpressiv I bathr. bav vaam ftt'San. dbla porlA Wedtightt, OTPs, ctfttr. gas hlg.

Gardener met MAN' AVf ISOOPW Sansattorvei Perod fKm with a eitino arch. iS. eatenMon mc stunmnt atriumfam rm SBAstudy a.S. (jm) formal enter t. A dn rms, ootdr soa.

saciudtd oard. sac Newlv renovated 2 bedn hctut. rkiu lr (rotrh and Irani oor I. Lnunae and duitnarm. will OfP.

study, new kttch with meals raa, DW. ctntr healing, bathrm nd sap loital, 'Mc*ntv and LU iSflTfKHALL wMtrr ro aiperD oeorm cowiraun noma In beaut garden letting. Cxtenvva formal and Informal entertaining rwwifc Biuwr. i wuirmi, aeragei Toorak. B26 2266 VSTOWl IfY Yin Classic Ed war styla lief rand.

ri mi uf a pus siuov. brs or 3 olut ttiidv. Inc oming, mod kit and meals. OSPin immac cono, prime MX amiasi rn.c urcn urm i ii fM Imf 2 stc aetls. MrPl TmaRming double vkt'orian Corner 3 BRs formal dimng, seo sitting rm, Irge lamilyrm, mod bathroom and kitchen, large sunny tiaally kxt'd els to 5 ind sal in collage gar lounge.

Of P. mod kit. DW, sap 793 Glen feme Rd. Hawrharn HAWTHORN iiOOPW CUFTGN ROAD 2 bedrm house wim opan plan MAWINTOSHIRSr NATIONAI immac mooarn 3 ruhuum ion hobie, very prfvat. all factlttiai of a pair in immac order comorts awe oearmv nunae rm modern kitchen, meals area, renow 1147 Hioh St.

Armadale. S22B71I iwmftRH tt iup pn kmkj oncn npi sap din-rm. new bathi lounoa. rm. frashfy Mimea, oui nig, garai hrirk hnm uur in Qultt st.

Ph 682 1 OPN SATSUN 9AM-1 2NC Charming soac 3-4BR hse. oyie Charming soj cl shopi7irpi uwmoRN 82 5Qpw HAWTRoRN pw netemiy reno a oris. Inge rear triya, gyp onrt 17 Tn iim, Ph RM7 Jr. J. tyia noma on 30 acre; jnd M.

ealra. rUf MATHMONT TraTfT- nigrniui or nome wiin eampac irden, Mckett fence, recent I renow. Inr erMlh inwn rooms, Inga with -gas space hit close' aH Com lor table and tprirenren sav wTanT. BT155 PW (barel)7S au csceii peorrn noma, gas neai feKAMNa, Mountarnvww Pda). Oual 2 tuoerb 2 BR noma, cant men, ci 114 Lower Plant Rd, Rosanna wbsiti 31S0PW DMiortllul 7BQ Wl rvse win 01 Station St.

Firfied 469 4 HtaOIUIRe TffiCWTttUr 2 bedrm horn, with duct HKPDf LBCRO 3 BR (own hcu- HE1DCLHRG HI Clean BR hpt HtfMLKRrtT oai jtoye bus HfioUMRd-WK Wfl hout. mlm walk tin tw. Pftfl Hiohefl Rd Mtotitt HOPrHRtrCR MMMCt BRsTe5f IWtnWetWAU '35PW 580 Station St. Bom Hill 8M) IV A MHAa a wrr BRT fit fc pCILrtLOCHLl lU PW meat bh nousa hi cam icx eats gas neai. tap oining rear sundeck area! area.

for entertaining, IVANHOC Soac nlrtor ttvle 7 hedrm uriit, re-carpatcd and re-oamted tn out. short HEIDELBERG HEIGHTSRO- HClpCLBERG 3 BR Oder (trie timber home great kxn. Short walk to shoos. HCtOELBCRG Reeamted 1 11M bedrm tamU home ge dkkk, mt tort nrar. rvi Mod 2 BR house, feats duet neai, lovely kit with DW.

many feats. TOpeci to aeorvcreie. tVANMOCFAaRY MILLS 1400 PW Eec oeorm nome. supero tocn, til tnoe and formal dirana. tea tamrfyrm witn mod hitch, lovely 9' On sattmg.

Work shoo and db-a sarporj. rvANHOf t60q rey noi irmal Inoe and dim norms, master bedrm with en suite and spa, superb hitch, ige fi mtt yrnventer taming area over ing rear sunoecR ana garoen. Klton by amiCMtmanf W.G. MH.FS CO RflV i upper para no. IT'TfOp Rt RD t710 PW 3 bovm recently painted caroetea dticr noma on large bkck.

Actomm mcl very roomy bdrms each with BtRs, sea Inge, Sir rge jwong, ge ion, aep namrm aiurv jyANMOC PA 1200 PW 3 bdrm Vic revdence leati sep Inge, spat bdrms. sep dng. kif. central bthrm. rear tndVy.

garage Storev fHacutiva. maaniiirienl vtews overlooking Vj iano. rp; to City. mms from lyannoe, am mar senot PW Phone 4 Kinoei ider. rvAi rami noma, a or a Deorms.

dintnt, formattrtge, Dlenly of.Char Blackburn A oekwooi 6 497 46BS VlrBBl n-weiu riOjiyannoe PW leaaa, Truf ma an leant arand (ountry Home lead set a sur-erb reed and garden setting (gardener rowrJedV I aMfianca a COunl'y tlelvle Mrarlu mm wmK mn- rnaT rexvMbtie B-12 aaontha 1 te.ooa551 IB1 rUWTHODM IMOti wi.yji'i INSPECT TODAY 1.30-1,45 BCNNISON MACKINNON ASSOC Charm. 3 BR DP Cdw home. bhoos. Iranso den. Comors: Solid 1 far EIGHTS.

S140pw. ite. Ph 459 3b60. tSpw Peno 3b 6 laraa oar den. lYANIlOt Large wem nprne wuDW gar Sf8lirS8nW ltd KIHOBi IAST 14 Bqiieti CresV bedrm BV home with Inge, dmtng.

tm.Om (AIT I Near new 2 Itdroy home fompr formi ktfe, dm. hitch, it, tng with Dw and microwave, mtls fvMftX'rT yti RKwMfey i dBB Wi a Br Sf Cii! tt room, p-a yard afl rewn4T bungai JVieaaT VA11IT To 412 Toorali Pd. IMt AS Compr 2-3 BR. mod kitcn, bathr rn. I aree wwswiy 1 ru, rAM 2 storey Georgun residence, comprising lourtge rm.

dining rm, lam ny rm. siuoy. 1 iVfWJTl TOORA yiagnii noi TtTOsMfNjrntar new bedrm uini wiui pint, meaier pearm win semi en suite, kit-meals area, Inge. LU garage. Pnv front and rear 1130 PW M45 PW ItRs.

sett 7. 'T. 1 1 ill i7n A ku SAW. lUpT. FAMILV 4 bedrm BIRs, en suit to master, familyrm, Inge, dining, AG pool, doubt caport.

VERMONT SI 75 PW Family home, compr 4 bedrms, en suit to master. L-shaoed Inge din Brentford So. forest Httl VMONT SOUTH PW 'iiuhtful family home perfect i- 4 bedrms, 3 bathrms. lounge gin eree. rumpus rm win WRMcVHT-01 $195.

3 bed. sep din, dish wash. lamina, uotm aoe. 000 oie siry, man fWn 5 'n 1 5 ROGER 0 f. "SBO 5000 369 Sortnavale RdT Glen V1.

VERMONT SYH bh plus Mu(y. a snoov rvirviAAv. a peurm prue rinsr na NATrUl 107 Hun. Burwnrwf have ameatelT tenant seeking a pearm ac nom ci 10 Knis. Reouirements are rumpus rm, en suite, htg, garage or carport.

For further defai's contact Sheila DRAKE AND-fO RElV 1174 14-A 483 Whitehorse Rd-. Mitcham STolWT5N(5 targe oeorm nome witn en suite to master, duct hta. air cond. rumpus rm with bar. familyrm and CAE CJttf8rtO REIV 874 1436 483 Whitehorse Mitcham RMONT SOUTH 75PW 1 tfedrrmj (master with ensuite), iTk6a1e TKcGO (Wav) PL 4 BR BIRs.

Inge, seo dine. Ige kit- la mil v. dble caroort. duct heal FIINTQFF I ONSf IN PTY Cli I SOS TOORAK BO. BURWOb 889 2266 AH 800 253 -loie -arporj.

auci neai. T. Executive home, near peorooms, ensmte. unge. I hlg.

nicnen. lemnyrr VERMONT 5- 1SVO BV. I 16 Vooue Ave. ixtr'isrsi 8034179 ItiVQ'BW Kinoiwjv Glen Waverie VTRrwONY STH 27 Martta ficiRd 4 soac bdrt. lounge.

Ilvingrm, CIs fVATLANT bedrm home, spacious living, oiKj, enctosea vara, carpo. t. Quiet country envtron. S140PW. NICHOLAS LAUDER 439 1 177 YANT.RWA ST90PW.

4 BR. full ENS. GDH, LU garage, walk to schls. BARRY PLANT REAL ESTATE PL MW popular locn. Moan oeorm.

study, emwtf, familyrm. duct htg. air cond, duct vac. dble carpori. WANTIRNA SOUTH S200 PW Huge 3 bedrm with lg familyrm.

modn kit. ensuite. LUgarag and 452 Burwood WAJNjfoTTT 3BR BV Inge, kl kitmeals, fresh 16 K1144 Rd, Wantirra Stn rnai 7 bedrm WB 10 yrs old, unturn. no main tenants WAV r4i age over 30 bond. reli.

i WARRl WONI WAT! WA WA' scHa br rURY 21 Of AM 150 PW ISO PW CENTURY 21 I UAMOM timam a ILLS IT S14W hlNEDV if ntw tlTHn tSAMfit Svr'SrS. "'f'l'SB- xhtSSm iiALrSJi tc tn, iiuoy, lumputi ouci nig, Jlarm, OFP, fmot gg. 1UOO WHITE REAL ESTATE L. 3t5 Stphnsons Rd. Mt Wavrly WERRfitl -BAC(5u5 Quiet renov.

3BR farm cottage, mamt garden, 4Smins Westaat This SB 2 br home teats ample space, w-w carps, sep bathrm and indry facils, LU garage, and rear rPEC5SJT50 2 level 4 BR Oct htgvacc Rumpus- CT'ffo" Tl'SSS I BR, familyrm, LU oarage. vn i mart 3 BR, LU garaoe. ducted itg. soa. n-suit.

Avail now. MJpO WHITE REAL ESTATE teohenspni Rci Kt Wavrty WHCfllRI MUT Lovely 3 bedrm hoi sep dining, kil-meal LL 31 00 PW rm hom compr kvoe, I -meats, due hta. in. plus 9f'9 and AVERLEV RFAL on INEWpOD SHOPPING SQUARE BUckbum Rd, "in iVaveriey WHCELIRI MLL 60 PW exec, resia. oiienng oedrms, en suit to master.

Ingerm. kitchen and adi. familyrm. Prion for JrTOTON I CO PL MIV ilwwWPwnioril JWj, nrll WV wWILER4alL oearms pius Siuay. pool with gas aucteo ning, intercom fm, huge rumpus, seo oinina.

DALE rScJi, IVl'Vkn itphnsons Rd, Ml. Wav, Art? on if WHIIlfM MUC We have a number of properties available. Please calf our otdc foL 190-200 WHilUR MLL "ffia PvT New iuury 2 and 3 PR unHs. All mod. no pals.

Suit exec, or wee i i.miiy nom. tgc rets m. 'Jloorjk Yy ltd oorak Pa TooraH2? aioo WMftUP, HSU. Mrm BV, slrKonU" rpVIt! 1250 JmmK fully renov 4 bdrm Vie home. Soac iccomm tnel large, cwyn plan Jno.

dngmeats, Spac kl, incf Msappl. cT washer -Tparty teiAKutP 'W pw drm Vic completely ronov 7 SP4, prl tourt yd tg transp and Shooprrvg. Jl ytl IBSkEt Li ailrac. Hong pous. on hm tern, win ntb.

parcfen In a punt coonlrrlll mi eenerom livirwi era barn, within Skmt of man pmcj centret. mres. I70 PWSJ inbeautll na ne 2 r.o. mooBor olfennd aoorox BOsos with 22 Nwmarti ftd Tmpislow garoa lIM-MraaRwai louno WAVERLEY REAT ESTATE; PL PINEWOOO SHOPPING SQliARE Blackburn Rd.

Mt wavcrley UTH igiiet, CARLTON GARTON STREET TOWNHOUSES WITH VIEWS OH PARK -Delightful i bedrm 2 storey lonnhouse. Comprising: Open pbn tiring, ruUy etiuipped kitchen, spiral staircase leading to 3 dble bedrms, main with en suite, second it third with balcony and bathrm, private c'yard, off-street parking. MELBOURNE EAST In unnucuUte conditjoR, i in one of the most prominent tirects. Comp: Large cnteruining atcii, 4 huge bedrmi plui en suite designer kitchen, period ftreplacei, ventral heating, not to mention double gatge. A itroll 10 downtown Melbourne.

HAWTHORN SET IN TREE-LINED STREET WITH PRIVATE IN-LAW ACCOMMODATION -Comp: Formal lounge It separate dining, modem knehenmeab area, i double bedrms BIRi, OKPs, plus separate open plan separate accommoda lion with kitchen, heal OFP, kitchen garden. TOORAK Prestigious address, only months old comp: secu- rlty entrance with granite kitchen dishwasher, 1 privaiepatio, spa 4c remote control lock-up garage. $250 KENT COURT Eiecutive bedroom duplet with combined kmngedining French doors leading to patio, separate kitchen and sunroom, heatingair condi- tionlng, lock-up garage. $430 ST. 0EORGES ROAD GEORUIAN i BEDROOM HOME Delightful formal entertaining rooms with bay windows eV period fireplaces, hostess kitchen, 2bathrimplmpc4imDcatruJ lock-up garage.

All set in premier location. $680 ieyyp lUfflriK OFFICE OPEN C23 07C3 TOORAR R0A0, SOUTH YAMRA I3F0TW 4 bedrmt. faunga and eWmm. senutieeiai kit-rneals familyrm. Zbathrms, sunrm lus obt earoori.

Many kjaury e- ll isrvp-w tim eteavwrtsons no. mi. I I I I I I a T04MAII Ipac fa Roiw facet clean nnd Inge and dknn-rn. evy je ea'aane, mry handy and FFy'renowl Sfle from'pTtck'fS ward. nrea.

lounge. New rrfira.S'icfi.ti Lrg. OMW, ,1. 4 jMdrnt WRt dbUj HmT' IK PnP pw. famt3aii reis.

2 PM. B0P242 1B0 Toorak Rd Tar ra820 0244 tii wash. oa 1.

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.