The Berkshire Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)

A I The Berkshire Eagle, Moiday, Oct. 25, -11," o. 4 4 ,5 '1 rartn F. Glendon Tel. i EAGLE OFFICE Lee Population In Schools Rises 26 Population 111 PTA Coffee Hour Hearing Sq Wednesday on Trailers; Motels Democrats Plan Ninlit Parade ntrroN The Democratic Tos-rrCommittee will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Town Hall to plan a torch light parade for the night of Nov.

2. Also workers for Election Day will be appointed and final plans made. The parade will start at 8 on Election Day eve at the Union Eloil and proceed to the Center Elo Ck" wbere there will be a speaking program. Candidates or their tatives are McGarry and David Hitt are chairmen for the parade. I 3 I I i 3 I A 1 4 A Cafeteria Staff Not Obliged To Serve Outsiders t- CHESHIRE Dr.

Joseph A. superintendent, has announced that the school census has been completed. There were 1,023 children in Cheshire as of Oct. 1, ranging in age from babyhood to those enrolled in a secondary school. Last year the count was 997, or 26 less than this year.

Quinn Seeking To Purchase Daly's' Bar DALTON Franklin J. (Bus) Quinn, owner of the Central Lunch is negotiating with Peter F. Daly, Owner of Daly's, to purchase Daly's. Both places are bars which have been operating since the of pro- -hibition. Mr.

'Quinn said that he has made no decision about the disposal of his Central Lunch liquor license if be takes over Daly's. Albert W. Culverwell of the Mid-Town Motel, who has been seeking an all-alcoholic license, said he has had no formal talks with Mr. Quinn about buying the Central Lunch license. A full license in addition to those already in operation is Permis sible at the discretion of the Selectmen.

That license has been sought by Mr. Culverwell for many months. 1 I I I To 'Be Tomorrow LEE The PTA will sponsor a coffee hour for mothers of chil-)' dren in the kindergarten Tuesday at 3:30 in Central SchooILi lunchroom. Johnson Brothers Sets are open stock. Large selection.The Meadows China Shop, Route 7, Sheffield.

Adv. 27 4 I Clarke UNITED NATIONS FLAG is presented to John J. Pignatelli, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, by Mn. Frank C. Clark, U.N.

chairman of the League of Women Voters, on behalf of the league. Ceremonies at Academy BuldIng Saturday afternoon, United Nations Day, included remarks by Curtis Roosevelt, a U.N. official, shown sec ond from right. Looking on, far left, John J. O'Brien, commander of Poet 2568, VFW.

Mrs. Mildred Burnett, director of the school lunch program at Cheshire School, reported to Willard Chiasson that the kitchen facilities connected with the cafeteria are being used more than was stipulated when the rules regarding the lunch room were set up. Francis Sauve, chairman of the school committee, requested Mr. Chiasson to tell Mrs. Burnett that she under turobligallon to any outside group to put on a meal, whether it be a Cheshire organization or from out of town.

Mr. Sauve that it was said in the regulations that one member of the school lunch staff must be employed by a group who wishes to use the kitchen facilities. This is to insure the proper use of the equipment and not to require the member to do any work. v. tims fudges Named For Halloween Parade SaturdayHVISDALE Judges of costumes for the Halloween parade Satifiday have been named by The Ma's A.

Porter, chairman of the-'town recreation committee, as Miss Frances Johnson, Miss Patricia Porter and Bruce 'the parade for preschool and graft children of the town will start at 1, led by the Are department truck, will go around the town square and end at the school. Prizes will be awarded for the funniest, prettiest and 4 I 4 4 3 4 I I I 4 I Town Presented U.N. Flag Richmond Church Prepares For Fail Auction DALTON Grace Episcopal Church whose fall auction is scheduled at Guild Hall Nov. 7, is accepting items. They will be called for if donors will telephone Mrs.

William Manning or Mrs. Herbert Spies, chairmen. Frank Goodness, assisted by Mrs. Goodness, will be the auctioneer. Committee chairmen are Mrs.

William Mo refreshments; Mrs. William Harrison, arrangements; David Powell, runners; Mrs. Betty Harden, clerks. Guild Hall will be open, except Tuesdays, from 1 to 8 and accept articles for the sale. LEE The Board of Heal netymuna zavey, principdt Health eC ntral School, will introduce has announced that I public the kindergarten teachers, hearing has been set for Wednes- Elaina Menin and Mrs.

day at 7:30 p.m. at Central Phelan. The teachers will ex- "is School auditorium to relicense plain the kindergarten trailer courts, motels and cab- Baby-sitting will be provided', ins within the town, to comply for young children of the moth- ers. Cartoons will be shown in' with a decision by the Superior Court. the auditorium for these chil-m- I Announcing the date, Dr.

Fred dren -t H. Vohr, Board of Health chair. man, reiterated that it was his Tally-Ho Rebels will square belief that the list of trailers and up Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the motels numbering 11 were YMCA auditorium in Pittsfield. Frannie "very legally licensed in that Heintz will call.

All they were inspected by the agent westem-style square dance grad-' uates interested in "challenge of the town of Lee and by our sanitary inspector, Paul A. dancing are invited to attend. Morse." Dr. Vohr stated Mr. Trick or treat candy bars, box.

Morse did percolation tests to of 24, 85c, regular 6120, at H. A. assure the soil was adequate for Johansson, Main Street. sewage disposal and had been assured of adequate water sup- Formal wear for hire at Department Store, Main Street. i According to a July 13 Supe- Adv.

27 riot Court decision, the 13-acre court of William Newton was Trick or treat bags, bars, penny illegal because no public hear- candy. Lee News Room, Main St. ing was held at the time the Adv. 27 Board of Health granted it per- mission to operate. Newton later Five room apartment to rent.

claimed all trailer courts and Bath. Garage. Tel. 243-3614. motels are illegal in Lee because Adv.

27 they were granted licenses in the same manner. Agreed to Hearings Standard Thick At a meeting Oct. 13 with FIBERGLASS trailer court and motel Vohr agreed to hold the hearing, although maintaining INSULATION health board had done its Sanitary Inspector Morse 14" 16" continuous rolls. that time said he thought it Meets FAA. minimum spe- up to the Board of Health set up the hearing to carry cifications.

1, through with its duties. Dr. Vohr said today that-all 23 per th eligible applicants for li- 4 ft. ceases have turned in applications and notices have been duly published as required. The list applicants inlcudes 4 4 CEDAR POSTS Trailer Park, Water Street; Hubby Cabins, Route 102; Lau- 8 ft.

1.76 Hill Motel, Laurel Street; Morpheus Arms Motel, Route 1 0 ft. 2.20 Pilgrim Motel, Housatonic Street; Sunset Motel, Housaton- 12 ft 2.64 Street; Hillside Motor Court, 1 Led; Twin Spruce Mobile A 1 J. Home Court, Water Street; 4 tt V8 Mountainview Trailer Park, Bradley Street; Lakeview Court, 16 ft. 3.52 I i Laurel Street; and Hear-U-R Cabins, Cape Street Raymond Kavey, principal of Central School, will introduce the kindergarten teachers, Miss "1: Elaina Menin and Mrs. Phelan.

The teachers will ex- plain the kindergarten program. Baby-sitting will be provided', for young children of the ers. Cartoons will be shown in the auditorium for these dren. Tally-Ho Rebels will square up Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the YMCA auditorium in Pittsfield.

Frannie Heintz will call. All western-style square dance grad-' uates interested in "challenge" dancing are invited to attend. 4.4 '1 a m- ost cos.ttimes in each Trick-or-treat' night will be Oct. 30 from 6 S. I 4 4 Others who participated in the ceremonies were Selectman John A.

Sargent, who read the presidential proclamation for U.N. Day; Capt Charles F. House, program director, who introduced speakers; members of Post 2568, VFW, commanded by John J. O'Brien, who raised the flag, and members of Troop 55, Boy Scouts. Later, a dinner at Oak it' Spruce in South Lee was sponsored by the United Nations Association.

Some 40 persons heard Mr. Roosevelt talk about International Cooperation Year, this coming year which has been designated by the General Assembly of the U.N. and by President Johnson. Efforts will be made to increase cooperation among the world's nations as they try to solve common problems, and Mr. Roosevelt noted that efforts have already begun.

He cited as an example the joint Russian-American project in Bering Strait' to preserve seals. LENQX The town observed United Nations Day Saturday aftemoon in ceremonies at the Academy Building during which the League of Women Voters presented a U.N. flag to the townspeople. The presentation was made by Mrs. Frank A.

Clark, general chairman for U.N. Day in Lenox and U.N. chairman of the League of Women Voters to John J. Pignatelli, chairman of the Selectmen. Curtis Roosevelt, chief of the nongovernmental section of the United Nations and of the U.N.

office of public information, spoke briefly. Mr. Roosevelt, a grand. son of the late "resident Franklin D. Roosevelt, called on all citizens to push efforts for a peaceful world and to shun "grubby poll.

ties." He noted that similar ceremonies were being conducted all over the world in observance of the founding of the United Nations. Selectman Dennis J. Duffin gave Mrs. Clark a distinguished service award for her work on behalf of the United Nations. I 1 i I 1 I Kipp Promoted To Airman 2.C.

DALTON William K. Kipp, son of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Kipp of 52 Crane has been promoted to Airman 2.C.

at Sewart Air Force Base, Tenn. Airman Kipp is a jet engine mechanic in a unit that supports the tactical air command mission of nroviding firepower and other air support to U.S. Army forces. He is a graduate of the former Dalton High School. I wife, Shirley, is the daughter.

of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller of Tennessee Ridge, Tenn. Lanesboro MRS. RUTH BASS Tel.

651-2271 45 Attend' Convention King's Daughters And Sons Meet at Richmond Church RICHMOND About 45 persons attended last week's convention of the Berkshire County Association of the King's Daughters and Sons. The 67th annual convention "ittis held atlihe Richmond Congregational Church Tuesday and included afternoon and evening meetings, as well as a pot roast supper served by the local King's Daughters under the direction of Mrs. Paul Truran and Mrs. Paul Whitcomb. Named as officers for the coming year were Mrs.

Ralph Gilbert of Pittsfield, president; Mrs. Benjamin Bowers, Pittsfield, vice president; Mrs. Roy Rawson, Richmond, recording secretary; Mrs. Neal E. Welch, Pittsfield, corresponding secretary; Mrs.

Richard Agar, Pittsfield, treasurer. The Rev. Philip H. Southwick, pastor of the Richmond church, was principal speaker at the evening session. Mrs.

Jesse Greene of Pittsfield spoke on King's Daughters and Sons activities in Chautauqua, N.Y.; Mrs. Lee C. Allen of Worcester, branch president, addressed both sessions. Arlene Andrews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

L. Howard Andrews, and Sharon Nicholas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicholas, spoke to the association about their experiences at the group's summer camp in Hanson. Vocalists were Mrs.

Robert Boleng and Mrs. Bowers, with Mrs. Raymond R. Scace and Miss Inez Eldridge as organists. Mrs.

Rawson welcomed the convention to Richmond, and Miss Elizabeth Eldridge led the evening devotions. It was announced that the state convention would be held in Boston Thursday with Mrs. W. Ritchie Ditch II, international president, as chief speaker. Repairs to Dam Are Proposed HINSDALE At the recent selectmen's meeting, a representative from the state Departmedt- bf Waterways met with the board relative to repairs pro- posed at the old grist mill dam in the -Housatonic River at the end -of Plunkett Avenue.

There Is a 'leak under the dam which was repaired during the sum' tnemvith sand bags. Victor Dam of the committee of the lire District was present. The state department representative attended in a consulting capacity. The prudential committee will decide what is to be done about dam repairs. A license was granted to the Berkshire Pioneers Square Dance Club for music Sunday.

the club holds its dances at Kittredge School Kittredge Menus Tuesday Frankfurter and roll, green beans, lettuce and tomato, cake square. Vegetable beef and crackers, potato chips, egg salad sandwich, cheese wedge, apricots. Thursday Juice, porcupine meat balls, mashed potatoes, buttered spinach, cranberry sauce. Friday No. school.

i 0 I 1 0 1 I 'I 4 1 4 0 0 0 0 I '1 1 1 I 1 1 A -a a a Five room apartment for rent. Centrally located. Heat and hot water furnished. Tel. 243-1592.

1 Ready -Mix Joint Cement 5 gal pall S5.135 gpt S2.15 ,250 teit.00c 75 39c MRS. JEAN McGOIVEN TeL 442-5519 Gallant Heads UNICEF Drive LANESBORO Henry Gallant of Bridge Street will be chairman again this year of the UNICEF collection to be carried out through the local school. The boxes will be distributed to pupils this week. Children will be collecting pennies on trick-or-treat night Friday. The will be used to provide milk and vaccine for needy childreo overseas.

Leaves raked with power Tel. 243-0077. Adv. Republicans To Hear trill Candidates Speak Dr hei CHESHIRE The Republican the Town Committee will meet pal Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the at Town Hall.

wa Any, candidate for office or to representatives of candidates thr are invited to attend. Anyone who wishes to work for any eli, candidate at the polls on oei tion Day should attend this tio meeting. It is open to the public. pu Cheshire Menus Tr Monday Orange juice, beef Hu and noodle casserole, tossed rel salad, fruit cup. 10: Tuesday Home-style vegetable soup, ham salad sand- DD lc wiches, potato chips, pineapple Ea squares.

Ho Wednesday Pot roast of beef, gravy, steamed potatoes, mixed piz Dr La fruited Jell. Thursday Sweet cider, oven-fried chicken, parsley potatoes, Harvard beets, peanut butter sandwiches, midnight chocolate ce cake. wa Friday No school. Adams Menus I Tuesday Orange and ap- er ricot juice, charbroiled hamburger on a bun, cheese slices, corn niblets, fruited raspberry Jello with topping. he Wednesday rot roast of tri beef and gravy, parsley potato, carrots, deep dish cherry 1 e.

Thursday Witches brew, Swedish meat balls, mashed potatoes, goblin green beans, devil's food cake. Friday No school. Bids on a truck chassis for the Cheshire Highway Department will be opened tonight at 8 at the Selectmen's meeting. Insurance bids, which must be in by 7 p.m., will be opened at 8:30. 1 Women's League of the First Baptist Church will sponsor a clothing party Thursday night at the church with Mrs.

Esther Herzog of Adams as the The public is invited. Refreshments will be served. First Baptist Church teachers and officers will meet at the church at 7 p.m., tomorrow. A covered-dish supper will be followed by the meeting. Announcing! Opening of Dery Funeral Home, North Route 8, Cheshire.

Tel. 743-3678. Serving Cheshire and 'area towns. Adv. 27 Dr.

the part. at was to of rel 102; lc East heat Kyer Youth Heads Bantam Bowling DALTON George Kyer son of Mr. and Mrs. Kyer of 1047 South viai elected president of the Bantam Ten Pin League at Berkshire Bowl, Saturday. George, 13, is captain of is team and has high league average 143.

A member of the Traveling All Stars he will bowl in Cohoes, N.Y., Sunday. Bantam League is affiliated with the American Bowling Gateway Regional W. Springfield Tops Field Hockey Team HUNTINGTON The girls' field hockey team from Gateway Regional was defeated 3-0 Thursday by West Springfield. A return match has been scheduled with West Springfield Nov. 3.

The girls are going to participate in a play day at WestfiOd Junior High School Nov. 5, when participating teams from West Springfield, Westfield Junior, Southwick, East Longmeadow and Longmeadow high schools will also play. Gateway team members are Sharon Arnold, Ann Bartlett, Linda Bean, Lyndora Blakely, Nancy Brown, Margaret Crane, Darlene Estelle, Mary Gareau, Jane Hawley, Wilma Horalek, Helyn LaBreque, Carol Pattison, Donna Sarafin, Susan Sarafin, Carol Searles, Margaret Shea, Paula Starbird, Janet and Sandra Steins. J4LtVdV Three and four room apartments for rent. Self controlled furnished.

Hot water and electric stoves. Tel. 243-0052. 1 Pouring Wool INSULATION Oftc Per At 40 bag 11 bulb sale sponsored by the.14ions Club will end this week. Anyone not canvassed during the house-to-house sale max call any member of the club for bulbs.

Proceeds of this project go for national eye resew!) and local projects. Camp Fire Group To Meet Tonight DALTON Camp Fire Leaders and sponsors will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Community House. New leaders will be Introduced and there will be refreshments. Grade 7 junior high school camp Fire group under the guidance of Mrs. John Ackley has elected Cindy Sniezek, president; Heather Harrison, -vice president; Barbara Shea, secretary; and Susan Priest, Reminder Issued On Outdoor Fires LANESBORO The Volunteer firemen will meet at the firehouse Tuesday at 7:30.

Fire Chief Joseph Speth has Issued a reminder that there Is to be no outdoor burning without a permit, except in Irwin-. erators. Permits may be obtained by calling Mr. Speth at his home on Glenns Road. If there is no answer, it means no permits are being issued that day.

No permits will be issued from the fire phone. All fires are to be extinguished by dark, including incinerator burning. No fires are to be built on the highway. ntii, Chase and Sanborn INSTANT COFFEE 89c Reg. $1.15 United Stamps L.

Super Merkel. Gateway Menus Tuesday Oven fried chicken, cranberry sauce, potatoes, peas, chocolate upside down cake. Wednesday beef, mashed cake. Thursday Creamed dried potatoes, beets, American chop Halloween costume party for members and guests of the country club of Hinsdale will 31, starting at 9. There Lbe entertainment, prizes for dancing.

Refreshment, will be served. Smorgasbord; and Christmas sale, sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the First Congregational Church, will be Oct. 28 at the church. The sale will be held during the afternoon and supper will be served from 5:30 to 7. Ballet classes will be held Frt.

day as usual, Howard Ste. phens, has announced, despite the fact that the Richmond School will be closed for the annual teacher's convention. The ballet students will meet at 3: 30 at the Town Hall. at the Town Hall. suey, tossed salad, Jell with fruit.

Friday Corn chowder, grilled cheese sandwich, cake with cherry sauce. with cherry sauce. I Junior Menus Tuesday Barbecued beef on soal 'slaw, whole kernel corn; apple crisp. Wednesday Oven fried chicken, cranberry-orange relish, mashed potatoes, green beans, sliced peaches. Thursday Yankee doodle macaroni, ripe olives, wax beans apple sauce, cake.

Friday No school. North Berkshire Vermiculite INSULATION $1.25 br: Folding ATTIC STAIRWAY KNOTTY PINE FLOORING 1x3 End Matched Rumpus Room KNOTTY FINE PANELING V-Joint Bundled All 11-Foot Lengths 11312,., cLIFForlD LUMBER Hillsdale Grange officers will meet -Sunday at 2:30 to plan their Inogram. Club will meet Tuesday at Of30 at the Home Club, District Gov. Arthur Tinny will be a guest at the supper meeting. Kristensen Wins 'Six Turkeys LANESBORO The Lions Club reported today that Rasmus Kristensen of Narragansett Avenue has won six turkeys in five weeks at the target shoots held at the West Shore Club.

Other winners over the weekend were: Joseph Sicotte, Mrs. Charlotte Burke, Harry Traversa, Peter Clement, Mrs. Nell Houghtaling, Paul Snow, Ernest Herzig, Joseph LaRose, Steve Thompson, Frank Smith Ed Dufur, Joseph Keys and Mario Garley. James Geary won the roast beef awarded. Another shoot will be held next Sunday at 1:30.

Free coffee is served, Lions ONE- STOP IDE, plititop 4A BANKING isi LE NATIONAL DANII .0 Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's parish will hold a harvest covered-dish supper tonight at 5,:30 at the rectory hall, to be followed by a business meeting. Father and son banquet at the Youth Center will be served tonight at 6:30. Tickets will be on sale at the door. Teachersr-s-alaries will bi the subject of a special meeting of the Dalton School Committee Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.

at the --junior high school. Waheonah Regional 19 Turkeys Given wai LANESBORO Nineteen tur-' keys were Lwon at the Amer- kart Legion Shoot held Sunday tHAR in at the Rhineheart Farm. Winners from Pittsfield were: 13I Kenneth Hassan, Joseph Carlon, on City Council To Be Asked To Top Debt Limit NORTH ADAMSThe City Council will be asked tomorrow night to exceed the city's debt limit to cover extra spending in the Welfare and Veterans Benefits departments. To do this would put the city nearly $5,000 above the "inside" debt limit of $785,772. However, with Emergency Finance Board approval, the limit could be raised to $1.57 million.

As of the city's total debt was $2.89 million. his request to the Council, Mayor Francis C. Florinisaid increased medical costs were re-- sponsible for the increases to both departments. Burns To Debate' LBJGoldwater Campaign WILLIAMS'rOWNDr. James, M.

Burns, Williams College professg of history and public affairs, will be pitted against Harry Jaffa of Washington, D.C., speechwriter for Barry Goldwater, in the quadrennial debate at the college Wednesday night the upcoming election. A Williams student, J. Daniel O'Flaherty, will join Dr, Burns in presenting the Johnson side, and another student, Kenneth F. Ryder will support Jaffa in presenting the GOP ticket. Brundage End Partnership, Incorporate WILLIAMSTOWW--Ernest J.

md Franklin E. Brundage, pro-- prietors and owners of the Howard Johnson Restaurant here, are ending a partnership which has extended for more than a dozen years. They have incorporated and have asked the Selectmen for a transfer of their all-alcoholic license to Brundage Inc. The Brundages formerly operated the Belden Tavern in Lee. Eagle Reporter To Live in Williamstown WILLIAMSTOWNRichard Rogin of New York City, who has accepted a position on The Berkshire Eagle's county news staff, will live on Oblong Road here.

He and Mrs. Begin have leased property recently acquired by Robert England of Pittsfield from Mrs. Rita Kip Smith. Mr. Rogin, a 1954 graduate of Dartmouth College, was for- meriy with the Valley News of Lebanon, Nit, and the New York World 'telegram The Rogins have two children.

Guidance counselors id Walt. CASH and CARRY LENOX, MASS. Marine Pvt. Patrick A. Pet- tit, of of Mr.

and Mrs. Wal- terrettit of Depote Street, fins- a dais, has sailed for Spain where ithe fild Marine Division and Spaltirsh Marines will conduct a joint exercise. Supt. and Mrs. Earl C.

returned Wednesday i from a five-week visit with their k1 sons in Tokyo and Formosa. ---Mrs. Alexander C. Powell of gor, Maine, is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.

George D. Powell andfamily of Curtis Street. taT4114M400. Pittsfield Chaffee General Iwioass: i' pail-. Wednesday afternoon by i the local ambulance following a fall at her home.

She was 'treated arid released. Mrs. Chaffee makes her home with her 1 niece, Mrs. Roland Lambson of 1 Middlefield Road. Cfoarll TRIAL OF ElITRAIICE MATS I LEE 243-C146 Lictry'rli eo center Lee.

I conah Regional High School are at the school Tuesdays from 7 to 9 to meet with parents. Parents planning to come should phone for appointments. Tomorrow is the second week of the program. Last week there were two conferences. Scholastic aptitude tests were taken by 77 juniors at WRHS Saturday.

The tests are in preparation for college boards to be taken in May. Seniors will take college boards In Deem? ben Edward Bushey, Robert Pulaski, Ronald Vinette, Ronald Andrews, John Dapper, Mn. William Noble, Richard Moran and William Stanhope. Other winners were Joseph Pop 'ask' and Gerald Derby from Dalton, the latter winning two, Reno Castanga from Richmond, who won two, 1 Jack Millette, Berkshire, David Viner, Hinsdale and Samuel Simonetta and Ernest LaBarron from Lanesboro. Another shoot will be held Sun.

day at 1:30. 637-0343 Daily 1 to 4:30 p.m. Saturdays 8 to 12 Noon From Pitts RAI take lift tern it ths traffic light op fleets )6 er pass. Watch ter WON at bittern et kill. Deliveries made al small extra charge.

'4, it, I I. I.

The Berkshire Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)


How much does it cost to put an obituary in The Berkshire Eagle? ›

How much does an obituary in The Berkshire Eagle cost? Placing an obituary in The Berkshire Eagle starts at $117.50. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary.

Who owns Berkshire Eagle? ›

Currently, The Eagle's parent company is owned by Hans Morris, Fredric Rutberg and two charitable foundations established by Robert G.

What is the largest city in the Berkshires Massachusetts? ›

Pittsfield is the largest city and the county seat of Berkshire County, Massachusetts, United States. It is the principal city of the Pittsfield, Massachusetts Metropolitan Statistical Area which encompasses all of Berkshire County.

Is Pittsfield, Massachusetts a good place to live? ›

Living in Pittsfield offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Pittsfield there are a lot of restaurants and parks. Many young professionals and retirees live in Pittsfield and residents tend to be liberal.

What costs the most in a funeral? ›

A casket often is the single most expensive item you'll buy if you plan a "traditional" full-service funeral. Caskets vary widely in style and price and are sold primarily for their visual appeal.

Why does it cost so much to put an obituary in the newspaper? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

What is the oldest town in the Berkshires? ›

Sheffield is the oldest incorporated town (1733) in Berkshire County and much of its land remains open.

What is the oldest house in the Berkshires? ›

In 1735, at the age of 25, Colonel John Ashley built this house – the oldest house still standing in Berkshire County – for his Dutch bride, Hannah Hogeboom.

What is the smallest town in Massachusetts? ›

Look no further than a really small town called Gosnold. Located in Dukes County right off the Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay. Settled in 1641, incorporated in 1864 in with population of just 70 according to the 2020 census. That's right 70!

Is Pittsfield, MA expensive? ›

Pittsfield is ranked 33 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. The cost of living in Pittsfield is 114.6% of the national average.

What is the race population in Pittsfield MA? ›

Pittsfield Demographics

White: 82.01% Two or more races: 7.63% Black or African American: 5.93% Other race: 2.98%

What is Pittsfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

“On March 17th, 1998, the city of Pittsfield and Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland officially formed as sister cities, creating a longstanding friendship between our communities," said Mayor Linda Tyer.

Do you pay by the word for obituary? ›

Many newspapers charge by the line or inch for obituaries, not by the word.

How much does a eulogy cost? ›

You can expect somewhere between $250 and $500 for eulogies written completely by the eulogy writer. In some cases, editing services are also available and those may be less costly.

Do people get paid to write obituaries? ›

How much does an Obituary Writer make? The estimated total pay for a Obituary Writer is $129,113 per year, with an average salary of $98,850 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

What is the largest obituary website? ›

The Web site hosts obituaries and memorials for more than 70 percent of all U.S. deaths. hosts obituaries for more than three-quarters of the 100 largest newspapers in the U.S., by circulation.

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