Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich choos (2024)

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Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (1)

Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (2) Bad

Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (3) Decent

Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (4) Love it!

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Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (7)

Games of Strategy Avinash K. Dixit, Susan Skeath 2nd Edition

Chapter 3, Problem 10

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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (9)


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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is $x$ for Rich, $y$ for Kelly, and $1-x-$ $y$ for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is $z$ for Kelly and $1-z$ for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is $p$ if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is $q$ if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two.
    (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of $p, q, x$, and $y$, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information?
    (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( $p, q, x, y$ ) that summarize these two conditions.
    (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up.

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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (10) Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (11) Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (12)

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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (13)

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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (14)

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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is $x$ for Rich, $y$ for Kelly, and $1-x-$ $y$ for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is $z$ for Kelly and $1-z$ for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is $p$ if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is $q$ if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two.(a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of $p, q, x$, and $y$, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information?(b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( $p, q, x, y$ ) that summarize these two conditions.(c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up.

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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (15)

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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (16)

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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (17)Ace Chat

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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (18)Ask Our Educators

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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (19)Notes & Exams

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    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (20)

    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (21)

    Games of Strategy

    Avinash K. Dixit, Susan Skeath 2nd Edition

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18


    Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 Problem 6 Problem 7 Problem 8 Problem 9 Problem 10


    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich chooses Continue is x for Rich, y for Kelly, and 1-x- y for Rudy; similarly, the probability of winning when Rich chooses Give Up is z for Kelly and 1-z for Rudy. Further, suppose that Rich's chance of being picked by the jury is p if he has won immunity and has voted off Rudy; his chance of being picked is q if Kelly has won immunity and has voted off Rudy. Continue to assume that, if Rudy wins immunity, he keeps Rich with probability 1 , and that Rudy wins the game with probability 1 if he ends up in the final two. (a) What is the algebraic formula for the probability, in terms of p, q, x, and y, that Rich wins the million dollars if he chooses Continue? What is the probability that he wins if he chooses Give Up? Can you determine Rich's optimal strategy with only this level of information? (b) The discussion in Section 3.7 suggests that Give Up is optimal for Rich as long as (i) Kelly is very likely to win the immunity challenge once Rich gives up and (ii) Rich wins the jury's final vote more often when Kelly has voted out Rudy than when Rich has done so. Write out expressions entailing the general probabilities ( p, q, x, y ) that summarize these two conditions. (c) Suppose that the two conditions from part b hold. Prove that Rich's optimal strategy is Give Up. | Numerade (22)

    Just now.

    Consider the Survivor game tree illustrated in Figure 3.9. Suppose that, unlike in Figure 3.9, you want to use only general values for the various probabilities. In particular, suppose that the probability of winning the immunity challenge when Rich choos (2024)
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    Name: Rueben Jacobs

    Birthday: 1999-03-14

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    Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.