Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (2024)

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Account Specialist at Lifetouch National School Studios

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Wendy Hall's Contact Information

Email (work) ***** lifetouch.com
LinkedIn URL linkedin.com/in/wecen 4169sor
Tel. (Company) +1 918-274-XXXX
Company Lifetouch National School Studios
Residence United States, North Carolina, Apex
Last updated 2023-01-15
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Wendy is working at

Lifetouch National School Studios

Location United States , Oklahoma, Owasso
Website http://lifetouch.com
Company Size censo redcens
Employees 7703 profiles available
Last Updated 2024-02-14

To view and apply for career opportunities at Lifetouch, visit censoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcens oredce ns oredce nsoredcen sor edce nsoredcen so redcenso redcen soredcensoredc ensored cens oredc e nsoredcen sor edcensor edce nsor edcensor edcensoredcen sore dc ensoredce ns oredcen soredcensore dcensoredcensoredcensoredc ensoredc ensore dcensor edce nsoredce nso redcensor ed censored ce nsoredcens oredcensore dce nsored cen soredc enso redcen soredcen sore dcens or edcensor ed censoredc ensoredce nsor edcensore dcensored censored censor edcensored censoredce nsoredc ens oredce nsor edcensored cen soredcens or edcen soredc ensoredcensor edc ensored censore dcensored cens oredcens oredcenso red censored censored cen soredcens ored censoredc ensored censor edcensoredcensored censored censore dcen soredc ens oredcensore dcens or edcensor edc ensoredcens oredcen sor edcensoredce nsoredc ensored censor edc ensoredcensore dcensor edcensored cen soredc en soredc ens oredcens oredcensoredcensoredce nsored censored

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (1)

Bookkeeping, Accounting and Audit Clerks maintain and update financial records by monitoring, auditing and reconciling records.
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Co-workers of Wendy Hall

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (2)

Whitney FisherPhotographer

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (4)

Robert BarbozaPhotographer

Decision Makers at Lifetouch National School Studios

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (5)

Dwayne ArehartHigher Management

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (6)

Sue SarantosHigher Management

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (7)

Rob UhrickDirector of Production

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (8)

Diane HatfieldHigher Management

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (9)

Amy KleinHigher Management

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (10)

Diane HatfieldHigher Management

137 Decision Makers at Lifetouch National School Studios

Peers of Wendy Hall in the area

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (11)Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (12)

Lindsey BridgersNon Management

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (13)

Jennifer ManessNon Management

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (14)Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (15)

Ashley BolickNon Management

Career Opportunities at Lifetouch National School Studios

Explore career opportunities at Lifetouch National School Studios on our website.
Stay updated on the latest job openings by checking back regularly or by visiting the company's official career page.
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Wendy Hall's current details

Current Title
Account Specialist

Type of Role
Bookkeeping Accounting and Audit Clerk
just 0.4% from United States work as a Bookkeeping Accounting and Audit Clerk

Job functions

Job Seniority
Non Management
74% from United States are employed in Non Management

Current Industry
Photography, Photography Arce nso redcensoredcens ore dcensoredce nso redcensore dcensore

United States, North Carolina, Apex

Experience (tracked since 2017)
ce nsore experience at Lifetouch National School Studios
c ensore experience as Account Specialist

Work-life tracked since 2017
Wendy Hall had a total of X different roles since 2017

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Company "Lifetouch National School Studios"

Company name
Lifetouch National School Studios

Company size
censo redcens

Year Founded


Linkedin Profile
https://linkedin.com/company/lcen ousor

Industrial Field
Photography, Photography Arts and Photojournalism

United States, Oklahoma, Owasso

Full Company Profile
Lifetouch National School Studios

Wendy Hall's Work History
data available since 2017

  • 2023 (6 months)
    Lifetouch National School Studios
    United States
    Account Specialist
    Photography, Photography Arts and Photojournalism
    Lifetouch National School Studios

  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Lcensored censored censor edcenso
    Ucenso redcen
    Acensor edcensored cens
    https://linkedin.com/company/lcen ousor

  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Lcensored censored censor edcenso
    Ucenso redcen
    Acensor edcensored cens
    https://linkedin.com/company/lcen ousor

  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Lcensored censored censor edcenso
    Ucenso redcen
    Ocensoredc ensoredcen
    Pcensoredcen soredcensor edce nso redcensoredcens
    https://linkedin.com/company/lcen ousor

  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Ucenso redcen
    Ocensoredc ensoredcen
    Pcensoredcen soredcensor edce nso redcensoredcens
    https://linkedin.com/company/lcen ousor

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Wendy Hall's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Wendy Hall work for?
Wendy Hall is working for Lifetouch National School Studios

What is Wendy Hall's title at Lifetouch National School Studios?
Wendy's title is , Account Specialist

What is Wendy Hall's Seniority at Lifetouch National School Studios?
Wendy Hall has been with Lifetouch National School Studios for 7+ years and is a normal employee

For how long is Wendy Hall working as a Account Specialist?
Wendy Hall has 6 months experience as Account Specialist.

What are Wendy Hall's functions as a Account Specialist ?
Wendy Hall is responsible for Accountingc ensored

What is Wendy Hall's company phone number?
Wendy Hall's company phone number is +1 918-274-****

What is Wendy Hall's email contact?
Wendy Hall's email address is *****@lifetouch.com

Who are similar contacts like Wendy Hall ?
Some similar contacts are Lindsey Bridgers, Jennifer Maness, Ashley Bolick, Matthew Borin, Michael Roberts and Kla Brewington.

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is intended for general informational purposes only. While we strive to ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date, we cannot guarantee its completeness or accuracy and we do not endorse or guarantee the products or services of any company or individual listed.

Wendy Hall working at Lifetouch National School Studios (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

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Job: Sales Analyst

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