Engagement activities: Lunch and Learn Sessions: Feeding Minds: The Benefits of Lunch and Learn Sessions - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Learning

2. What Are Lunch and Learn Sessions?

3. Why Your Organization Needs Lunch and Learns?

4. Topics That Engage and Educate

5. Best Practices for Hosting Successful Sessions

6. Fostering Interaction and Participation

7. Measuring the Impact of Your Sessions

8. Success Stories from Lunch and Learn Veterans

9. Nourishing Minds and Bodies for Organizational Growth

1. Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Learning

Cultivating a Culture

Culture of continuous

Culture of Continuous Learning

In the realm of professional development, the concept of continuous learning stands as a cornerstone, fostering an environment where knowledge is not only consumed but also shared and expanded upon. This ethos of perpetual growth is particularly pertinent in the context of 'Lunch and Learn' sessions, which have emerged as a quintessential platform for collaborative learning and knowledge dissemination within the workplace. These sessions, typically informal and scheduled during the lunch hour, offer a dual benefit: they satiate the intellectual appetite while providing a reprieve from the day-to-day work routine.

From the perspective of employees, these sessions represent an opportunity to delve into new topics, acquire skills, and gain insights that are often outside the purview of their regular job functions. For employers, they serve as a catalyst for innovation, encouraging the cross-pollination of ideas and fostering a culture that values and invests in employee development.

Here are some in-depth insights into cultivating a culture of continuous learning through lunch and Learn sessions:

1. Diverse Learning Opportunities: By covering a wide array of subjects, from technical skills to soft skills and beyond, Lunch and Learn sessions can cater to the varied interests of employees. For example, one session might focus on the latest trends in technology, while another could be dedicated to effective communication strategies.

2. Expert-Led Insights: Inviting external experts or tapping into the internal pool of talent can provide attendees with valuable perspectives and insights. A session led by a seasoned project manager, for instance, could offer practical tips on managing complex projects effectively.

3. Interactive Format: Encouraging interaction, such as Q&A segments or group discussions, can enhance engagement and retention of information. An interactive session on problem-solving techniques might involve participants working through real-world scenarios in small groups.

4. Application of Knowledge: Sessions that include hands-on activities or workshops enable participants to apply what they've learned immediately. A workshop on data visualization tools, for example, could have participants create their own charts and graphs based on sample data sets.

5. Follow-Up Resources: Providing resources for further exploration after the session can help sustain the learning momentum. If a session is about time management, attendees could be given access to a curated list of books, articles, and tools on the subject.

6. Feedback Mechanism: Implementing a system to gather feedback after each session can help refine future sessions and ensure they meet the needs and expectations of the participants.

By integrating these elements into Lunch and Learn sessions, organizations can create a vibrant learning ecosystem that not only enhances the professional capabilities of their workforce but also contributes to a more dynamic, innovative, and collaborative workplace culture.

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Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Learning - Engagement activities: Lunch and Learn Sessions: Feeding Minds: The Benefits of Lunch and Learn Sessions

2. What Are Lunch and Learn Sessions?

Lunch and Learn sessions are a unique blend of two of life's great activities: eating and learning. These sessions are designed to be informal yet informative, providing a space where employees can gather to share a meal while simultaneously enriching their knowledge and skills. The concept is simple: during a typical lunch hour, an organization hosts a session on a topic of interest, often related to professional development or workplace wellness, and invites its employees to participate. The allure of free food brings people together, but it's the promise of new insights and learning opportunities that turns a simple lunch into a productive educational experience.

From the perspective of an employer, Lunch and Learn sessions are a strategic tool for fostering a culture of continuous learning and engagement. They offer a platform for knowledge sharing, where experts from within or outside the organization can impart valuable information that contributes to the collective growth of the team. For employees, these sessions are a chance to break away from the daily routine, expand their professional network, and gain insights that might not be readily available through their regular work channels.

Here are some in-depth points about Lunch and Learn sessions:

1. Accessibility: By aligning with the lunch hour, these sessions ensure maximum accessibility for employees. This timing eliminates the need for participants to allocate extra hours outside of work for professional development.

2. Diversity of Topics: Sessions can cover a wide range of subjects, from technical skills relevant to the industry to soft skills like communication and leadership. This diversity caters to the varied interests and developmental needs of employees.

3. Cost-Effectiveness: For companies, Lunch and Learn sessions are a cost-effective way to provide training and development. Since they occur on-site and during regular work hours, they reduce the need for external training resources.

4. encouraging Open dialogue: The informal setting encourages open dialogue and questions, making it easier for employees to engage with the material and the presenter.

5. Networking Opportunity: These sessions often bring together employees from different departments, fostering cross-departmental networking and collaboration.

6. Boosting Morale: Offering free lunch and learning opportunities shows employees that their development is valued, which can boost morale and job satisfaction.

7. Knowledge Retention: The relaxed atmosphere can lead to better retention of information, as employees are more receptive when they are comfortable and engaged.

8. Feedback Mechanism: Employers can use these sessions as a feedback mechanism, gauging employee interest and satisfaction with the topics covered, which can inform future training initiatives.

For example, a tech company might host a Lunch and Learn session on the latest cybersecurity threats. An expert from the IT department could share insights on how employees can protect themselves and the company from digital attacks. As they enjoy their sandwiches, employees learn about phishing, password security, and the importance of regular software updates, turning an ordinary lunch break into a valuable learning experience.

In essence, Lunch and Learn sessions embody the idea that learning should be a continuous, enjoyable process, seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. They represent a commitment to personal and professional growth, and the belief that every moment, even a lunch break, can be an opportunity to learn something new.

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What Are Lunch and Learn Sessions - Engagement activities: Lunch and Learn Sessions: Feeding Minds: The Benefits of Lunch and Learn Sessions

3. Why Your Organization Needs Lunch and Learns?

Lunch and Learn sessions are a staple in modern organizational culture, offering a unique blend of informal knowledge sharing with the added benefit of team building during what might otherwise be a regular lunch break. These sessions are more than just a learning opportunity; they are a strategic tool that can lead to increased employee engagement, improved communication, and a boost in overall workplace morale. From the perspective of an HR manager, these sessions are invaluable for fostering a culture of continuous learning and development. For employees, they represent a chance to step away from the daily grind, expand their knowledge base, and interact with colleagues in a more relaxed setting.

Here are some key benefits that Lunch and Learn sessions can bring to your organization:

1. Enhanced Knowledge Sharing: Employees from different departments can share expertise and insights, leading to cross-pollination of ideas. For example, a session led by the IT department on cybersecurity can provide valuable tips to the marketing team on protecting customer data.

2. Increased Employee Engagement: These sessions can break up the monotony of the workday, keep employees motivated, and make them feel valued. A case in point is when employees are given the platform to present topics they are passionate about, which can boost their confidence and engagement.

3. cost-Effective learning: Instead of expensive seminars or conferences, Lunch and Learns utilize in-house expertise and resources, saving the company money while still providing quality educational experiences.

4. Improved Communication Skills: Presenting in a less formal environment helps employees hone their public speaking and presentation skills. An example here could be a junior team member leading a session on a recent project success, thereby gaining valuable experience in communication.

5. Networking Opportunities: These sessions encourage interaction between staff who may not usually work closely, helping to build a stronger, more cohesive team.

6. Boosted Morale and Company Culture: Regularly scheduled educational breaks contribute to a positive company culture that prioritizes personal and professional growth.

7. attracting and Retaining talent: Organizations known for their development opportunities are more likely to attract and retain high-caliber professionals.

8. Encouraging Innovation: By exposing employees to new ideas and ways of thinking, Lunch and Learns can spark innovation that drives the company forward.

9. Flexibility: These sessions can be tailored to the current needs and interests of the organization and its employees, making them highly relevant and engaging.

10. Feedback Loop: They provide a platform for immediate feedback and discussion, which can be invaluable for continuous improvement.

To illustrate, consider a scenario where a sales team shares successful pitch strategies during a Lunch and Learn. Not only does this provide immediate, actionable knowledge for other teams, but it also celebrates the sales team's successes, encouraging a culture of sharing and recognition. In another instance, a Lunch and Learn focused on mental health can offer strategies for stress management, contributing to employee well-being and productivity.

Lunch and Learn sessions are a multifaceted tool that can significantly benefit an organization. They foster an environment of learning and growth, encourage collaboration and communication, and ultimately contribute to the organization's success. By investing in these sessions, companies can create a vibrant, informed, and connected workforce ready to tackle the challenges of the modern business world.

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Why Your Organization Needs Lunch and Learns - Engagement activities: Lunch and Learn Sessions: Feeding Minds: The Benefits of Lunch and Learn Sessions

4. Topics That Engage and Educate

When planning a Lunch and Learn session, the key to success lies in selecting topics that not only captivate your audience but also impart valuable knowledge. These sessions, typically informal and held during lunch breaks, offer a unique opportunity to combine nourishment with education, fostering a culture of learning and engagement within an organization. The challenge, however, is to curate content that resonates with a diverse group of attendees, catering to their interests and professional development needs while ensuring the material is accessible and thought-provoking.

To achieve this, it's essential to consider various perspectives and learning styles. Some participants may prefer data-driven presentations, while others might engage more with storytelling or interactive activities. Balancing these preferences can lead to a more inclusive and enriching experience. Here are some strategies to plan your session effectively:

1. Identify the Audience's Interests: Start by surveying potential attendees to gauge their interests and professional goals. This can be done through quick polls or suggestion boxes. For example, if a majority express interest in technology, a session on the latest tech trends would be pertinent.

2. Choose Relevant and Timely Topics: Select subjects that are not only relevant to your audience's work but also timely. Discussing recent developments in your industry, such as a breakthrough in cybersecurity, can provide immediate value.

3. Incorporate Diverse Learning Materials: Use a mix of visual aids, handouts, and interactive elements to cater to different learning styles. For instance, when explaining complex concepts like blockchain, visual diagrams can help demystify the topic.

4. Engage with Storytelling: People often remember stories better than facts. share case studies or success stories related to the topic. A narrative about a company that successfully implemented a new system can illustrate the practical application of theoretical knowledge.

5. Facilitate Group Discussions: Encourage dialogue among participants to foster peer learning. Pose open-ended questions that prompt discussion, such as the implications of artificial intelligence in everyday work.

6. Invite Guest Speakers: Bringing in external experts can provide fresh perspectives and elevate the session's credibility. For example, a local entrepreneur could share insights on starting a business in the current economic climate.

7. Include Hands-On Activities: If possible, incorporate practical exercises. When discussing project management tools, you could have a mini-workshop where attendees create a sample project plan.

8. Provide Takeaway Resources: Offer additional materials for further learning. After a session on public speaking, you might distribute a list of recommended books or links to TED talks on the subject.

9. Follow-Up for Feedback and Continued Learning: After the session, seek feedback to improve future events and provide resources for continued learning. This could be a follow-up email with additional articles on the session's topic.

By meticulously planning your Lunch and Learn sessions with these points in mind, you can create an environment that not only educates but also stimulates intellectual curiosity and professional growth. Remember, the ultimate goal is to leave participants feeling informed, inspired, and ready to apply their new knowledge in their daily roles.

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Topics That Engage and Educate - Engagement activities: Lunch and Learn Sessions: Feeding Minds: The Benefits of Lunch and Learn Sessions

5. Best Practices for Hosting Successful Sessions

Achieving execution excellence in hosting successful sessions, particularly in the context of Lunch and Learn events, is a multifaceted endeavor that requires meticulous planning, a deep understanding of the audience, and the ability to foster an environment conducive to learning and engagement. These sessions are not just about imparting knowledge; they are about creating a shared experience that resonates with the participants long after the event has concluded. From the perspective of an organizer, it's about orchestrating an event that is seamless and impactful. For the attendees, it's about the value derived from the session, both in terms of knowledge gained and networks built. And from a speaker's viewpoint, it's about delivering content that is not only informative but also engaging and memorable.

Here are some best practices to ensure execution excellence in hosting Lunch and Learn sessions:

1. Understand Your Audience: Tailor the session to the interests and professional levels of the attendees. For instance, a session on advanced machine learning techniques might be highly engaging for a tech-savvy audience but could be overwhelming for those new to the subject.

2. Select the Right Speaker: Choose a speaker who is not only an expert in the topic but also has the charisma to keep the audience engaged. A good example is inviting a seasoned project manager to discuss agile methodologies, who can share real-world experiences and not just theoretical knowledge.

3. Interactive Format: Encourage interaction by incorporating Q&A segments, live polls, or group discussions. This could be as simple as using a mobile app for live polling or as involved as organizing breakout sessions for small group discussions.

4. Practical Examples: Use case studies or real-life scenarios to illustrate points. For example, discussing the successful implementation of a new software system in a company can help attendees visualize the practical application of theoretical concepts.

5. Preparation is Key: Ensure that all logistical aspects, such as the venue, technology, and catering, are well-planned. A smooth experience without technical glitches or interruptions sets the tone for a professional and effective session.

6. Follow-up Material: Provide attendees with resources to explore after the session. This could be a handout with key takeaways, a list of recommended readings, or access to a recording of the session.

7. Feedback Loop: Implement a mechanism to gather feedback from participants to continuously improve future sessions. This could be a digital survey sent out post-event or a feedback box at the venue.

By integrating these practices, organizers can significantly enhance the effectiveness of Lunch and Learn sessions, ensuring that they are not only informative but also enjoyable and memorable for all involved.

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Best Practices for Hosting Successful Sessions - Engagement activities: Lunch and Learn Sessions: Feeding Minds: The Benefits of Lunch and Learn Sessions

6. Fostering Interaction and Participation

Fostering interaction and participation in Lunch and Learn sessions is crucial for their success. These sessions, typically informal meetings scheduled during the lunch hour, offer employees the opportunity to acquire new knowledge while enjoying a meal. The key to making these sessions engaging lies in the strategies employed to encourage active participation. From the perspective of an organizer, it's about creating an environment that feels safe and open for dialogue. For participants, it's about feeling valued and heard. And from a content standpoint, it's about delivering information that resonates and stimulates thought. By blending these viewpoints, one can craft a session that not only informs but also inspires.

Here are some strategies to enhance engagement:

1. Interactive Presentations: Use tools like live polls or quizzes to make your presentation interactive. For example, start with a trivia question related to the session's topic to pique interest.

2. Group Discussions: Break the audience into smaller groups to discuss specific questions or case studies. This encourages peer-to-peer learning and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

3. Q&A Sessions: Allocate time for a question-and-answer segment where attendees can ask questions or clarify doubts, fostering a two-way communication channel.

4. real-world examples: Share stories or case studies that illustrate the practical application of the concepts being discussed. For instance, if the topic is 'Effective Communication,' you could share how a particular company overcame a crisis through clear and transparent communication.

5. Hands-on Activities: Incorporate activities that require active participation, such as role-playing exercises or simulations, which can help in reinforcing the learning points.

6. Feedback Mechanisms: Implement a system for participants to provide feedback on the session. This not only helps in improving future sessions but also makes participants feel their opinions are valued.

7. Follow-up Resources: Provide additional resources like articles, podcasts, or videos that attendees can explore after the session to continue their learning journey.

8. Expert Guests: Invite industry experts or thought leaders to share their insights, adding credibility and a fresh perspective to the session.

9. Social Integration: encourage the use of social media to share insights or key takeaways from the session, thereby extending the conversation beyond the immediate audience.

10. Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledge active participants with certificates or small rewards, which can motivate others to engage more actively.

By implementing these strategies, Lunch and Learn sessions can become a cornerstone of continuous learning and development in an organization, creating a culture that values knowledge sharing and collective growth.

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Fostering Interaction and Participation - Engagement activities: Lunch and Learn Sessions: Feeding Minds: The Benefits of Lunch and Learn Sessions

7. Measuring the Impact of Your Sessions

The success of any Lunch and Learn session can be significantly amplified by effective feedback mechanisms and diligent follow-up. These sessions, typically informal meetings that encourage learning and collaboration over a meal, are not just about imparting knowledge but also about fostering a culture of continuous improvement and engagement. To truly gauge the impact of these sessions, it's essential to measure not just the immediate reactions of the participants but also the long-term effects on their performance and the organization's culture.

From the perspective of an organizer, feedback is a goldmine of insights. It reveals what worked, what didn't, and what could be improved. From the participants' viewpoint, the opportunity to provide feedback makes them feel valued and heard, increasing their engagement in future sessions. For the organization as a whole, follow-up actions based on feedback can lead to a more knowledgeable and motivated workforce, driving overall productivity and innovation.

Here are some ways to measure the impact effectively:

1. Immediate Feedback Forms: Right after the session, distribute feedback forms that ask specific questions about the content, presentation style, and the applicability of the knowledge shared. For example, a participant might note that the session on 'Effective communication Skills' helped them understand the importance of active listening.

2. Follow-Up Surveys: Send out surveys a few weeks after the session to assess the long-term retention and application of the knowledge. For instance, you might find that employees who attended a session on 'Time Management' are now more punctual with their deadlines.

3. Performance Metrics: Compare the performance metrics before and after the session. If a session was focused on 'Enhancing Sales Techniques', there should be a measurable increase in sales figures or customer satisfaction scores post-session.

4. Observation and Interviews: Sometimes, qualitative data can be more insightful than quantitative. Conducting interviews or observing changes in behavior can provide deep insights. For example, after a session on 'Team Collaboration', you might observe more cross-departmental projects being initiated.

5. Retention Rates: Track the attendance and drop-off rates for your sessions. high retention rates can indicate that the sessions are valuable and engaging, while a drop-off might suggest the need for a different approach.

6. Knowledge Tests: Before and after the session, conduct a short quiz to measure the increase in knowledge. This can be particularly effective for technical topics, such as a session on 'Understanding the Latest Industry Regulations'.

7. Action Plans: Encourage participants to create action plans at the end of the session and follow up on their progress. For example, after a session on 'Innovative Thinking', check how many new ideas have been implemented.

8. social Media engagement: If your sessions are shared on social media, monitor the engagement levels. Comments, shares, and likes can be indicators of the session's reach and impact.

9. Peer Feedback: Encourage participants to give feedback to each other. This can foster a supportive learning environment and provide different perspectives on the session's effectiveness.

10. ROI Analysis: For sessions aimed at improving specific business outcomes, conduct a return on investment (ROI) analysis. If a 'Customer Service Excellence' session leads to a reduction in customer complaints, that's a clear indicator of success.

By employing a combination of these methods, you can obtain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of your Lunch and Learn sessions. Remember, the goal is not just to educate but to inspire action and drive positive change within the organization.

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Measuring the Impact of Your Sessions - Engagement activities: Lunch and Learn Sessions: Feeding Minds: The Benefits of Lunch and Learn Sessions

8. Success Stories from Lunch and Learn Veterans

Lunch and Learn sessions have become a cornerstone in the realm of corporate learning and development, offering a unique blend of informal education and social interaction. These sessions are not just about the free lunch; they're a testament to the power of shared knowledge and the communal pursuit of professional growth. They serve as a platform for employees at all levels to step away from their desks, engage with new ideas, and return to their work invigorated with fresh insights and perspectives. The success stories that emerge from these sessions are as diverse as the topics covered, ranging from technical skill enhancement to personal development breakthroughs.

1. The Cross-Departmental Connector: At a multinational tech firm, a series of Lunch and Learn sessions focused on cross-departmental knowledge sharing led to a significant breakthrough in project management efficiency. An engineer from the R&D department shared insights on agile methodologies that were then adopted by the marketing team, resulting in a 30% reduction in campaign rollout times.

2. The Financial Whiz: A finance manager at a mid-sized logistics company hosted a Lunch and Learn on personal finance and investment strategies. This not only boosted the financial literacy of the attendees but also led to the implementation of a new company-wide retirement plan that better met the needs of the diverse workforce.

3. The Wellness Advocate: In a health-conscious startup, a series of sessions led by a veteran employee who is also a certified nutritionist created a ripple effect of positive lifestyle changes. The company saw a marked decrease in sick days and an increase in overall employee satisfaction.

4. The Communication Guru: A communications director with a passion for public speaking started a lunch and Learn series on effective communication. These sessions became so popular that they were developed into a company-wide mentorship program, enhancing the communication skills of employees at all levels.

5. The Tech Evangelist: An IT specialist at a large retail corporation held sessions on the latest tech trends, such as blockchain and AI. These sessions not only demystified complex topics for non-tech employees but also sparked innovative ideas for improving customer experience, leading to the development of a new customer loyalty app.

These case studies highlight the multifaceted benefits of Lunch and Learn sessions. They foster an environment of continuous learning, encourage the sharing of expertise, and often lead to tangible improvements in both personal and organizational performance. By leveraging the collective wisdom within a company, Lunch and Learn sessions can catalyze innovation and drive success.

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Success Stories from Lunch and Learn Veterans - Engagement activities: Lunch and Learn Sessions: Feeding Minds: The Benefits of Lunch and Learn Sessions

9. Nourishing Minds and Bodies for Organizational Growth

Organizational growth

The concept of nourishing both the mind and body is not just a holistic approach to personal well-being; it is also a strategic imperative for organizational growth. In the fast-paced corporate world, the health of an organization is often reflected in the intellectual and physical vitality of its workforce. engagement activities like Lunch and Learn sessions serve as a dual conduit for this nourishment. They provide a platform for continuous learning and a break from the daily grind, fostering an environment where knowledge sharing becomes as natural as enjoying a meal together.

From the perspective of employee development, these sessions are a goldmine. They offer a relaxed setting where employees can absorb new information without the pressure of formal training. For instance, a session on time management might introduce employees to the Pomodoro Technique, a method that uses timed intervals to boost productivity. This not only aids in personal development but also benefits the organization through increased efficiency.

Human resources view these sessions as a tool for talent retention. By investing in the growth of their employees, companies demonstrate a commitment to their workforce's career progression, which in turn, enhances loyalty and reduces turnover. A case in point is a company that held a series of financial planning Lunch and Learns, which helped employees better manage their finances, leading to greater job satisfaction and stability.

From a leadership standpoint, Lunch and Learns are an informal channel for reinforcing company values and culture. Leaders can use these gatherings to communicate vision, celebrate milestones, or address organizational changes in a more personal and engaging manner. For example, a CEO might share the company's sustainability goals over a lunch session, connecting personal actions like recycling with the organization's broader environmental objectives.

Here are some in-depth insights into how Lunch and Learn sessions contribute to organizational growth:

1. Enhanced Knowledge Sharing: Employees from different departments can share expertise, fostering cross-functional collaboration. For example, a marketing expert might explain the latest trends in digital advertising, providing sales teams with new approaches for their pitches.

2. Improved Communication Skills: Regularly presenting and participating in these sessions can sharpen an employee's public speaking and presentation skills, which are invaluable in any role.

3. Health and Wellness Promotion: Sessions focused on nutrition, exercise, or mental health support a culture of wellness, which can reduce absenteeism and healthcare costs.

4. Innovation Stimulation: By discussing the latest industry developments or brainstorming solutions to common challenges, these sessions can spark innovative ideas that drive the company forward.

Lunch and Learn sessions are more than just a perk; they are a strategic investment in the human capital of an organization. They create a nurturing environment that values continuous improvement, both intellectually and physically, which is essential for any organization aiming for long-term success and resilience in a competitive landscape.

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Nourishing Minds and Bodies for Organizational Growth - Engagement activities: Lunch and Learn Sessions: Feeding Minds: The Benefits of Lunch and Learn Sessions

Engagement activities: Lunch and Learn Sessions: Feeding Minds: The Benefits of Lunch and Learn Sessions - FasterCapital (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.